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Showing results 139 to 158 of 445

Pub YearTitleAJOU Author(s)
2023Ecological factors affecting first-time mothers’ satisfaction with Sanhujoriwons (postpartum care centres) from South Korea: a cross-sectional and correlational study송주은
2022Ecological factors influencing parenting self-efficacy among working mothers with a child under 36 month old in South Korea: a cross‐sectional and correlational study송주은
2018Educating Future Health Care Professionals About Cybercivility: Needs Assessment Study현명선
2007Educational Issues and Strategies to Improve APN Education박지원
2020Effect of a Physical Activity Promoting Program Based on the IMB Model on Obese-Metabolic Health Outcomes among Obese Older Adults with Knee Osteoarthritis김춘자
2002Effect of a Resident and Indoor Environmental characteristics on the House Dust Mites Allergen김용순, 박지원
2005Effect of Community Based Child Safety Education Program for Child Care Teachers방경숙
2000Effect of Ethics Education on Nurse’s Moral Judgement김용순
2003Effect of lifetime lactation on breast cancer risk: a Korean women's cohort study.송미숙, 이순영
2024Effect of psychosocial factors on autonomic nervous system activity in patients with heart failure박진선, 서경우, 안정아
2005Effect of Safety Education for Mothers with Infants방경숙
2024Effect of White Noise on Pain Response, Heart Rate, and Oxygen Saturation during Heel Puncture in Premature Infants: A Randomized Controlled Trial송주은, 안정아, 유미애
2021Effectiveness of drinking reduction program focused on self-determination enhancement for college students with problematic drinking유문숙
2018Effectiveness of high-intensity laser therapy in the treatment of musculoskeletal disorders: A systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials이영진
2024Effectiveness of Immersive Virtual Reality Simulation Programs Using Head-Mounted Displays in Promoting Physical Activity in Older Adults: A Systematic Review안정아
2002Effectiveness of Indoor Environment Management Education for Prevention of Allergic Asthma김용순, 박지원
2023Effectiveness of nurse-led interventions on medication adherence in adults taking medication for metabolic syndrome: A systematic review and meta-analysis김춘자
2024Effectiveness of self-management program for gastric cancer patients: A randomized controlled trial comparing gain vs. loss message framing이지예
2016Effectiveness of the Cognitive Capacity Enhancement Program for Alcohol Dependence Inpatients현명선
2019Effects of a Brief Empowerment Program for Families of Persons with Mental Illness in South Korea: A Pilot Study현명선
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