2022 | | A new rationale for preservation of the mandibular third molar in orthognathic patients with missing molars | 채화성 |
2020 | | A study on the morphologic change of palatal alveolar bone shape after intrusion and retraction of maxillary incisors | 김영호, 신정원, 지숙, 채화성 |
2022 | | Alveolar bone changes after molar protraction in young adults with missing mandibular second premolars or first molars | 채화성 |
2019 | | Alveolar bone remodeling during maxillary incisor intrusion and retraction | 김영호, 신정원, 채화성 |
2023 | | Biomodulation of Induced Tooth Movement by Three Methods, Corticopuncture, Photobiomodulation, and Their Combination: An Animal Study | Moon, Won |
2022 | | Cone-beam computed tomography and digital model analysis of maxillary buccal alveolar bone thickness for vertical temporary skeletal anchorage device placement | 김영호, 신정원, 채화성 |
2021 | | Digital planning and manufacturing of maxillary skeletal expander for patients with thin palatal bone | Moon, Won |
2023 | | Digital workflow for mini-implant–assisted rapid palatal expander fabrication–a case report | Moon, Won |
2024 | | Effect of photobiomodulation and corticopuncture methods on tooth displacement and gene expression: animal study | Moon, Won |
2022 | | En-Mass Retraction of Maxillary Anterior Teeth with Severe Proclination and Root Resorption-A Case Report | Moon, Won |
2018 | | Heritability of Facial Skeletal and Dental Characteristics of Monozygotic and Dizygotic Twins Using Cephalometric Analysis and Falconer's Method | 김영호, 채화성 |
2022 | | Heritability of maxillary dental cephalometric variables among monozygotic twins, dizygotic twins and their siblings | 김영호, 신정원, 채화성 |
2019 | | Influence of heritability on craniofacial soft tissue characteristics of monozygotic twins, dizygotic twins, and their siblings using Falconer's method and principal components analysis | 김영호, 신정원, 채화성 |
2023 | | Long Term Skeletal, Alveolar, and Dental Expansion Effects of the Midfacial Skeletal Expander | Moon, Won |
2024 | | Long-term effects of maxillary skeletal expander treatment on functional breathing | Moon, Won |
2021 | | Midfacial soft tissue changes after maxillary expansion using micro-implant-supported maxillary skeletal expanders in young adults: A retrospective study | 김영호, 신정원, 채화성 |
2022 | | Mini-implant assisted rapid palatal expansion (MARPE) effects on adult obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) and quality of life: a multi-center prospective controlled trial | Moon, Won |
2023 | | Pattern of microimplant displacement during maxillary skeletal expander treatment: A cone-beam computed tomography study | Moon, Won |
2021 | | Pharyngeal Airway Morphology in Skeletal Class III With Mandibular Asymmetry is Improved After Bimaxillary Orthognathic Surgery | 김영호, 신정원, 채화성 |
2022 | | Posterior crossbite with mandibular asymmetry treated with lingual appliances, maxillary skeletal expanders, and alveolar bone miniscrews | Moon, Won |
2022 | | Premolar and Molar Inclination Changes Following Micro-Implant-Assisted Maxillary Skeletal Expander (MSE): A Three-Dimensional Analysis and Visualization | Moon, Won |
2024 | | Soft tissue paradigm based Treatment planning in skeletal class III | 김영호, 송승일, 채화성 |
2023 | | Stability of clockwise rotation of the maxillary occlusal plane in skeletal Class III patients treated with two-jaw surgery | 김영호, 신정원, 채화성 |
2023 | | The Lower Lip Profile Change During Total Distalization of the Mandibular Dentition | 김영호, 신정원, 채화성 |
2024 | | The surgical outcomes of anterior segmental osteotomy in Asian skeletal class II patients | 채화성 |
2020 | | Twin study-genetic comparison of matrix versus intramatrix rotation in the mandible and three different occlusal planes | 김영호, 신정원, 채화성 |