Browsing by Keyword : Elderly

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Showing results 41 to 51 of 51

Pub YearTitleAJOU Author(s)
1997The Characteristics of Depressive Symptoms among the Elderly in a Rural Area송미숙, 전기홍
2013The Effect of Subjective Physical and Mental Health on Cognitive Decline in the Elderly노재성, 손상준, 이윤환, 홍창형
2016The Effectiveness of a Laughter Therapy Program : Focusing on Depression, Cognitive Function and Pulmonary Function among Elderly Patients유문숙
2016The Effects of a Reality Therapy Program for the Elderly with Depressive Disorder현명선
2015The Effects of Stressors on Subjective Well-Being in the Elderly김성주, 홍창형
2015The Effects of Stressors on Subjective Well-Being in the Elderly.노재성, 손상준, 이윤환, 임기영, 장기중, 정영기, 홍창형
2022The Prevalence of Clostridium difficile Colitis and Effect on All-Cause Mortality in Elderly Patients after Hip Fracture Surgery: A Korean Nationwide Cohort Study김정택
2017The Relationship between Late-life Depression and Resilience노재성, 장미
2017The relationship between temporal discounting and well-being in the elderly노재성, 홍석주
2008Validity and Reliability of Whispered Voice Test as a Screening Test for Hearing in the Elderly People박기현, 박헌이, 정연훈, 최성준
2007도시 저소득층 노인의 ADL, IADL 및 인지기능과의 관계김용순, 유문숙
