Browsing by Keyword : Oculomotor Muscles

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Showing results 1 to 15 of 15

Pub YearTitleAJOU Author(s)
2012Aesthetic blepharoptosis correction with release of fibrous web bands between the levator aponeurosis and orbital fat김주형, 박명철, 이일재, 임효섭
2020Anomalous extraocular muscles in Crouzon syndrome with V-pattern exotropia정승아
2005Anterior transposition of the inferior oblique muscle for a snapped inferior rectus muscle following functional endoscopic sinus surgery.장윤희
2020Binocular discrepancy in lateral rectus muscle attachment in intermittent exotropia with eye dominance정승아
2004Diplopia secondary to endoscopic sinus surgery.김현준
2005Effect of full tendon transposition augmented with posterior intermuscular suture for paralytic strabismus.장윤희
2023Head Postural Changes in a Child with the Dominant Eye Affected by Superior Oblique Palsy: A Case Report정승아
2007Outcome study of two standard and graduated augmented modified Kestenbaum surgery protocols for abnormal head postures in infantile nystagmus.장윤희
2021Photographic assessment of intermittent exotropia using a translucent cover정승아
2013Photophobia measurement in intermittent exotropia using the contrast sensitivity test.정승아
2021Range of forced cyclorotation in superior oblique palsy and V-pattern strabismus정승아
2021Sternocleidomastoid muscle asymmetry in unilateral congenital superior oblique palsy임신영, 정승아
1996Tc-99m MIBI brain SPECT of cerebellopontine angle tumors.박찬희
2014Transient and isolated neurogenic blepharoptosis after medial orbital wall reconstruction.박동하, 박명철, 이일재, 임성윤
2015Whole courses of the oculomotor, trochlear, and abducens nerves, identified in sectioned images and surface models.정민석
