Browsing by Keyword : Scalp

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Showing results 1 to 10 of 10

Pub YearTitleAJOU Author(s)
2004A case of tubular apocrine adenoma with syringocystadenoma papilliferum arising in nevus sebaceus.김유찬
2013Congenital lipomatosis of the scalp: the importance of investigation for intracranial lipoma.권지은
2012Cutaneous paraganglioma of the vertex in a child김장희, 박명철, 이일재
2017Effects of scalp nerve block on pain and emergence agitation after paediatric nevus surgery: a clinical trial김종엽, 김진수, 박동하
2016Histopathological Differential Diagnosis of Psoriasis and Seborrheic Dermatitis of the Scalp강희영, 권지은, 김수경, 김유찬, 박영준, 이은소
2016Neurofibroma with naevus of Ota김유찬
2007Poliosis developing in a melanocytic nevus.강희영, 김유찬
2014Simplified V-Shape Incision Technique for Saving Hair Follicles박명철
2011Single nodular lesion on the scalp: a quiz. Diagnosis: nodular secondary syphilis.김유찬, 이은소
2023The triple rotation flap of the scalp최지웅
