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Showing results 121 to 140 of 454

Pub YearTitleAJOU Author(s)
2024Development of a Patient Safety Simulation Program for New Nurses in the Intensive Care Unit박진희
2021Development of a simulation program related to patient safety: Focusing on medication error이영진
2019Development of an Aging Anxiety Scale for Middle-Aged Women유미애
2020Development of Caring as a Human Science: 50 Years of History of the Korean Society of Nursing Science박진희, 송주은
2000Development of indicators for the evaluation of internet site for health information김용순, 박지원, 유문숙
2016Development of Korean Intensive Care Delirium Screening Tool (KICDST)박지원
2021Development of population-based cancer indicators and a measurement of cancer care continuum using a modified delphi method박진희, 안미선, 전미선, 정승연, 조오연
2016Development of Resilience Scale for Nurses박지원
2017Development of Smoking Cessation Education Program for Nursing Students부선주, 송미숙
1998Development of the Information System for Nursing Process: An Implementation of Nursing Diagnosis System using Neural Network박지원
2010Development of Visiting Nurse's Service Model in Child Day-care Centers방경숙
2004Development of Web-Based Education Programs for School Health Nurses유문숙
2024Diabetes Education Program for Nursing Students: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis안정아
2016Diabetes-Specific Quality of Life of Korean Children and Adolescents With Type 1 Diabetes부선주
2007Differences in moral judgment between nursing students and qualified nurses.김용순, 박진희
2020Disagreement between a public insurer's recommendation and beneficiary's choice of long-term care services in Korea송미숙
2007Discriminating Variables to the Change Stage of Smoking Behavior - Focused on Decisional Balance and Self-efficacy -현명선
2021Does a nurse-led postpartum self-care program for first-time mothers in Bangladesh improve postpartum fatigue, depressive mood, and maternal functioning?: A non-synchronized quasi-experimental study송주은
1998Dual Diagnosis현명선
2023Ecological factors affecting first-time mothers’ satisfaction with Sanhujoriwons (postpartum care centres) from South Korea: a cross-sectional and correlational study송주은
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