Browsing by Keyword : DNA Damage

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Showing results 1 to 34 of 34

Pub YearTitleAJOU Author(s)
2009A comparative analysis of the cell biology of senescence and aging.윤계순
2014A high-fat diet increases oxidative renal injury and protein glycation in D-galactose-induced aging rats and its prevention by Korea red ginseng.이수환
2018A Novel Reciprocal Crosstalk between RNF168 and PARP1 to Regulate DNA Repair Processes강호철
2014Aberrant topoisomerase-1 DNA lesions are pathogenic in neurodegenerative genome instability syndromes.이영수
2020Atm deficiency in the DNA polymerase beta null cerebellum results in cerebellar ataxia and Itpr1 reduction associated with alteration of cytosine methylation모정순, 이영수
2010ATM modulates transcription in response to histone deacetylase inhibition as part of its DNA damage response.조혜성
2014ATM-dependent chromatin remodeler Rsf-1 facilitates DNA damage checkpoints and homologous recombination repair.조혜성, 지재훈
2014Caspase-dependent cell death-associated release of nucleosome and damage-associated molecular patterns.김경민, 박선, 신호준, 윤사라, 최용준, 한재호
2003Cdk2-dependent phosphorylation of the NF-Y transcription factor and its involvement in the p53-p21 signaling pathway.최경숙
2018Cigarette smoke condensate may disturb immune function with apoptotic cell death by impairing function of organelles in alveolar macrophages장재락
2007DNA damage-inducing agent-elicited gamma-secretase activity is dependent on Bax/Bcl-2 pathway but not on caspase cascades.정민환
1998Helicobacter pylori infection, oxidative DNA damage, gastric carcinogenesis, and reversibility by rebamipide.김진홍, 이광재, 조성원, 함기백
2015Hepatitis B virus X protein activates the ATM-Chk2 pathway and delays cell cycle progression.김영배, 박용예, 이영수, 조혜성, 지재훈
2024LC3B drives transcription-Associated homologous recombination via direct interaction with R-loops강호철, 김소연
2011Loss of p21(Sdi1) expression in senescent cells after DNA damage accompanied with increase of miR-93 expression and reduced p53 interaction with p21(Sdi1) gene promoter임인경
2021MAGEH1 interacts with GADD45G and induces renal tubular cell apoptosis신규태, 이민정
2018Methylisothiazolinone may induce cell death and inflammatory response through DNA damage in human liver epithelium cells장재락
2007Mitochondrial fission and fusion mediators, hFis1 and OPA1, modulate cellular senescence.김수정, 정선용, 조혜성
1999Neurotoxic and neuroprotective actions of catecholamines in cortical neurons.곽병주, 노재성
2014Non-thermal atmospheric pressure plasma induces apoptosis in oral cavity squamous cell carcinoma: Involvement of DNA-damage-triggering sub-G(1) arrest via the ATM/p53 pathway.강성운, 김철호, 신유섭
2012PKCε promotes oncogenic functions of ATF2 in the nucleus while blocking its apoptotic function at mitochondria이기영
1997Possibility of chemoprevention by the eradication of Helicobacter pylori: oxidative DNA damage and apoptosis in H. pylori infection.김진홍, 이광재, 임현이, 조성원, 함기백
2018Post-Translational Regulation of the RSF1 Chromatin Remodeler under DNA Damage조혜성, 지재훈, 최용원
2014Pot1a prevents telomere dysfunction and ATM-dependent neuronal loss.이영수
2014Protein methylation and interaction with the antiproliferative gene, BTG2/TIS21/Pc3.임인경
2022Regulation of nuclear DNA damage response by mitochondrial morphofunctional pathway이호수, 조혜성
2005Rescue of Helicobacter pylori-induced cytotoxicity by red ginseng.여말희, 이기명, 조성원, 함기백
2018Ring finger protein 126 (RNF126) suppresses ionizing radiation-induced p53-binding protein 1 (53BP1) focus formation지재훈
2019Secretome analysis of patient-derived GBM tumor spheres identifies midkine as a potent therapeutic target이진구
2016SIRT6 Depletion Suppresses Tumor Growth by Promoting Cellular Senescence Induced by DNA Damage in HCC왕희정
2020Small but mighty: the causes and consequences of micronucleus rupture이재호
2003Spectrum of molecular changes during hepatocarcinogenesis induced by DEN and other chemicals in Fisher 344 male rats [Mechanisms of Ageing and Development 123 (2002) 1665-1680].임인경
2016TRAIP/RNF206 is required for recruitment of RAP80 to sites of DNA damage강호철, 지재훈
2022Transcriptional regulation and chromatin dynamics at DNA double-strand breaks조혜성
