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정, 연훈(Choung, Yun Hoon) Currently indexed / E-mail
[School of Medicine / Graduate School of Medicine] - [Otolaryngology]

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Showing results 51 to 100 of 244

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Pub YearTitleAJOU Author(s)
2020Objective Verification of Acute Tinnitus and Validation of Efficacy of Systemic Steroids in Rats장정훈, 정연훈
2020Dexamethasone delivery for hearing preservation in animal cochlear implant model: continuity, long-term release, and fast release rate장정훈, 정연훈
2020Hearing aids are still beneficial to patients, even if they have a low speech discrimination김한태, 박헌이, 장정훈, 정연훈, 추옥성
2019Can radiological measurements of cochlear nerve parameters predict cochlear implant outcome? Our experience in 87 ears김한태, 박헌이, 장정훈, 정연훈, 추옥성, 하은주
2019Critical Factors for Binaural Hearing in Children with Bilateral Sequential Cochlear Implantation: First Implant Performance and Inter-Implant Interval김한태, 박헌이, 장정훈, 정연훈, 추옥성
2019Round window membrane visibility related to success of hearing preservation in cochlear implantation김한태, 박헌이, 장정훈, 정연훈, 추옥성
2019Hydrogel Nanospike Patch as a Flexible Anti-Pathogenic Scaffold for Regulating Stem Cell Behavior정연훈
2019Is transcanal tympanoplasty an appropriate surgical treatment for congenital middle ear cholesteatoma with ossicular involvement?박헌이, 정연훈
2019The speech perception after cochlear implantation: The hearing gain difference according to the implant systems is important?박헌이, 장정훈, 정연훈, 추옥성
2019A 3D Microscaffold Cochlear Electrode Array for Steroid Elution장정훈, 정연훈
2019Identification of a Novel Frameshift Variant of POU3F4 and Genetic Counseling of Korean Incomplete Partition Type III Subjects Based on Detailed Genotypes장정훈, 정연훈
2019Latent stem cell-stimulating therapy for regeneration of chronic tympanic membrane perforations using IGFBP2-releasing chitosan patch scaffolds장정훈, 정연훈, 추옥성
2019Cisplatin-Induced Ototoxicity in Rats Is Driven by RIP3-Dependent Necroptosis이윤영, 장정훈, 정연훈, 추옥성
2019Downregulated UCHL1 Accelerates Gentamicin-Induced Auditory Cell Death via Autophagy김연주, 이윤영, 장정훈, 정연훈, 추옥성
2019Epidermal Growth Factor-Releasing Radially Aligned Electrospun Nanofibrous Patches for the Regeneration of Chronic Tympanic Membrane Perforations장정훈, 정연훈, 추옥성
2019Drugs for hyperlipidaemia may slow down the progression of hearing loss in the elderly: A drug repurposing study윤덕용, 정연훈, 최영, 추옥성
2018Diagnostic role of cone beam computed tomography for the position of straight array장정훈, 정연훈
2018Chitosan/PEI patch releasing EGF and the EGFR gene for the regeneration of the tympanic membrane after perforation정연훈
2018JNK2 silencing and caspase-9 activation by hyperosmotic polymer inhibits tumor progression정연훈
2018Steroid intracochlear distribution differs by administration method: Systemic versus intratympanic injection장정훈, 정연훈, 추옥성
2018Mutational and phenotypic spectrum of OTOF-related auditory neuropathy in Koreans: eliciting reciprocal interaction between bench and clinics장정훈, 정연훈
2018Clinical Utility of Intraoperative Tympanomastoidectomy Assessment Using a Surgical Microscope Integrated with an Optical Coherence Tomography장정훈, 정연훈
2018Microbiological Results From Middle Ear Effusion in Pediatric Patients Receiving Ventilation Tube Insertion: Multicenter Registry Study on the Effectiveness of Ventilation Tube Insertion in Pediatric Patients With Chronic Otitis Media With Effusion: Part I정연훈
2018Efficacy of Tympanoplasty Without Mastoidectomy for Treating Chronic Otitis Media in Patients With Mastoid Cavity Opacification in Temporal Bone Computed Tomography Findings정연훈, 추옥성
2017Directional Matrix Nanotopography with Varied Sizes for Engineering Wound Healing김연주, 정연훈
2017Cascade recurring deep networks for audible range prediction정연훈, 추옥성
2017The clinical efficacy of early intervention for infected preauricular sinus장정훈, 정연훈, 추옥성
2017Differences in clinical characteristics and prognosis of sudden low- and high-frequency hearing loss박헌이, 장정훈, 정연훈, 추옥성
2017Osteogenesis for postoperative temporal bone defects using human ear adipose-derived stromal cells and tissue engineering: An animal model study김연주, 민병현, 정연훈, 추옥성
2017Autophagic flux, a possible mechanism for delayed gentamicin-induced ototoxicity김연주, 김유선, 정연훈, 추옥성
2017Chronological changes in microbial profiles in external and middle ear diseases: a 20-year study in Korea박헌이, 장정훈, 정연훈, 추옥성
2016Development of Simplified Ajou Version of MarkeTrak Survey to Evaluate Hearing Aid Use.정연훈, 추옥성
2016Engineering structures and functions of mesenchymal stem cells by suspended large-area graphene nanopatterns김연주, 정연훈
2016Prospective, Multicenter Study on Tinnitus Changes after Cochlear Implantation정연훈
2016Connexin 43 Acts as a Proapoptotic Modulator in Cisplatin-Induced Auditory Cell Death김연주, 정연훈, 추옥성
2015Bio-inspired configurable multiscale extracellular matrix-like structures for functional alignment and guided orientation of cells.정연훈
2015Guided extracellular matrix formation from fibroblast cells cultured on bio-inspired configurable multiscale substrata.정연훈
2015Isolation and identification of mesenchymal stem cells from human mastoid bone marrow김연주, 정연훈
2015Recovery of hearing after surgical removal of intralabyrinthine schwannoma.박헌이, 이종주, 정연훈
2015Latent progenitor cells as potential regulators for tympanic membrane regeneration.김연주, 정연훈
2015Monolayer Graphene-Directed Growth and Neuronal Differentiation of Mesenchymal Stem Cells.김연주, 정연훈
2015Topographical extracellular matrix cues on anticancer drug-induced cytotoxicity in stem cells.김연주, 정연훈
2015Hyperosmotic polydixylitol for crossing the blood brain barrier and efficient nucleic acid delivery.정연훈
2015Factors that influence student ratings of instruction정연훈, 정윤석, 채수진
2014Nucleotide biosynthesis arrest by silencing SHMT1 function via vitamin B6-coupled vector and effects on tumor growth inhibition.정연훈
2014Development and characterization of fast-hardening composite cements composed of natural ceramics originated from horse bones and chitosan solution.정연훈
2014Prevention of cisplatin-induced ototoxicity by the inhibition of gap junctional intercellular communication in auditory cells.김연주, 임혜진, 전춘걸, 정연훈
2014Red ginseng delays age-related hearing and vestibular dysfunction in C57BL/6 mice.박헌이, 임혜진, 전춘걸, 정연훈
2014In response to Intratympanic dexamethasone injection for refractory tinnitus: prospective placebo-controlled study.임혜진, 정연훈
2014The oncoprotein, gankyrin, is up-regulated in middle ear cholesteatoma.박기현, 박태준, 임혜진, 정연훈
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