2014 | | Is Unenhanced Abdominal CT Scan Necessary for the Diagnosis of Acute Appendicitis in Children? | 민영기, 박은정, 이두환, 이지숙, 최상천 |
2014 | | Posterior Reversible Leukoencephalopathy Syndrome Following Acute Carbon Monoxide Poisoning: A Case Report | 민영기, 박은정, 정윤석, 최상천 |
2014 | | Third cranial nerve palsy and posterior communicating artery aneurysm | 최상천 |
2014 | | Clinical applications and contemporary trends of hyperbaric oxygen therapy in Korea | 김기운, 최상천 |
2013 | | Retrospective Analysis on the Clinical Differences of Children and Adolescents Treated for Acute Pediatric Poisoning in an Emergency Department? | 민영기, 이지숙, 최상천 |
2013 | | Successful Transplantation of Organs from a Donor with Bacterial Meningitis Caused by Streptococcus pneumonia - A Case Report - | 민영기, 박은정, 정윤석, 최상천 |
2013 | | Recent 10-Year Experience of One Regional Emergency Center and Recommendation for Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT) | 김기운, 민영기, 정윤석, 조준필, 최상천 |
2013 | | Injuries Associated with the 580 km University Student Grand Voluntary Road March: Focus on Foot Injuries. | 김기운, 민영기, 정윤석, 조준필, 최상천 |
2013 | | Repetitive TASER X26 discharge resulted in adverse physiologic events with a dose-response relationship related to the duration of discharge in anesthetized swine model. | 민영기, 박은정, 최상천 |
2012 | | A Comparative Study Between Newly Developed Wave-form and Traditional Straight-form Splints | 김기운, 이정아, 이지숙, 정윤석, 최상천 |
2012 | | Comparison of Manual Versus Mechanical Chest Compression During Simulative out of Hospital Cardiac Arrest | 김기운, 이정아, 정윤석, 최상천 |
2012 | | Cardiovascular Manifestations and Clinical Course after Acute Carbon Monoxide Poisoning | 김기운, 민영기, 정윤석, 최상천 |
2012 | | The Clinical Characteristics and Prognosis after Acute Ingestion of Glacial Acetic Acid | 민영기, 정윤석, 조준필, 최상천 |
2012 | | Clinical characteristics of patients with pseudo-subarachnoid haemorrhage who were successfully resuscitated from out-of-hospital cardiopulmonary arrest | 민영기, 정윤석, 최상천 |
2012 | | Adjunctive atropine versus metoclopramide: can we reduce ketamine-associated vomiting in young children? a prospective, randomized, open, controlled study | 김기운, 민영기, 박은정, 이지숙, 정윤석, 최상천 |
2012 | | Teaching basic life support to children using a humorous video | 민영기, 박은정, 이정아, 이지숙, 정윤석, 최상천 |
2012 | | Characteristics of patients who visit the emergency department with self-inflicted injury | 배기수, 이정아, 임기영, 조준필, 최상천 |
2012 | | The usefulness of the serum s100b protein for predicting delayed neurological sequelae in acute carbon monoxide poisoning | 민영기, 박은정, 이지숙, 정윤석, 최상천 |
2012 | | Acute oral poisoning due to chloracetanilide herbicides | 최상천 |
2011 | | Prediction of Mortality in Patients with Acute Paraquat Intoxication Using Simplified Acute Physiology Score II | 민영기, 박은정, 안정환, 정윤석, 최상천 |
2011 | | A Case of Acute on Chronic Salicylate Poisoned Elderly Patient with Early Utilization of Continuous Venovenous Hemodiafiltration | 민영기, 이지숙, 전우찬, 정윤석, 최상천 |
2011 | | Veiled Paraquat Poisoning - A Focus on Clinical Characteristics | 민영기, 박은정, 안정환, 정윤석, 최상천 |
2011 | | Educational Needs and Perceptions of School Nurses Regarding Emergency Situations in School: Focus on Differences Based on the General Characteristics of School Nurses | 민영기, 안정환, 정윤석, 최상천 |
2011 | | Problems with Transferring Major Trauma Patients to Emergency Medical Center of a University Hospital from Another Medical Center | 권준식, 이국종, 정경원, 최상천 |
2011 | | A fatal case of flufenoxuron-containing insecticide poisoning complicated by lactic acidosis, shock, abdominal compartment syndrome. | 민영기, 박은정, 최상천 |
2011 | | The usefulness of albumin-adjusted ischemia-modified albumin index as early detecting marker for ischemic stroke. | 안정환, 이위교, 정윤석, 최상천 |
2010 | | Bickerstaff’s Brainstem Encephalitis Accompanied by Encephalopathy Associated with Autoimmune Thyroid Disease (EAATD): Case Report and Review | 김기운, 민영기, 박은정, 안정환, 정윤석, 최상천 |
2010 | | Educational Needs of Homemakers Regarding Emergency Situations in the Home: Focused on Differences in Educational Needs based on the General Characteristics of Homemakers and Differences between Homemakers and Emergency Physicians | 안정환, 정윤석, 최상천 |
2010 | | The Applicability and Usefulness of Emergency Department Syndromic Surveillance Using a Computed Data Source for Epidemic Keratoconjunctivitis and Meningitis | 김기운, 민영기, 박래웅, 안정환, 정윤석, 조준필, 최상천 |
2010 | | Considerations for Cancellation Reception in an Emergency Department | 김기운, 안정환, 정윤석, 최상천 |
2010 | | Cubic S Model: A for Early Recognition of Acute Ischemic Stroke Patients | 이진수, 정윤석, 최상천, 홍지만 |
2010 | | The Efficacy of Rectal Thiopental According to the Enema Positions for Pediatric Sedation | 김기운, 안정환, 이국종, 이지숙, 최상천 |
2010 | | Current State and Problem of the Transfer of Severely Injured Patients in One Regional Emergency Medical Center | 김기운, 민영기, 안정환, 이국종, 정경원, 정용식, 정윤석, 최상천 |
2009 | | The Usefulness of Lactate Clearance Adjusted to Time as a Predictive Index in Patients with Severe Sepsis and Septic Shock | 민영기, 안정환, 이영주, 정윤석, 최상천 |
2009 | | A Case of Valproic Acid Overdose Treated with Continuous Veno-Venous Hemodiafiltration | 민영기, 안정환, 정윤석, 최상천 |
2009 | | A Lethal Case of Aute Zipeprol Poisoning Occurring in a Drug Addicted Old Woman | 김기운, 민영기, 안정환, 정윤석, 최상천 |
2009 | | Clinical Experience with Continuous Renal Replacement Therapy as a Method of Extracorporeal Elimination and as performed by Emergency Room Physicians for Patients with Poisoning | 민영기, 안정환, 정윤석, 최상천 |
2009 | | Influence of the Werther Effect: An Increase of Intentional Carbon Monoxide Poisoning | 민영기, 안정환, 이정아, 정윤석, 조준필, 최상천 |
2009 | | Systemic Complications occurring after Korean Venomous Snake Bite, with focus on Hematologic and Neurologic Complications | 김기운, 민영기, 안정환, 이국종, 정윤석, 최상천 |
2009 | | Digitalis-like Toxic Symptoms Occurring after Accidental Nerium indicum Poisoning | 김기운, 안정환, 이정아, 정윤석, 최상천 |
2009 | | Comparison Analysis of Performance among the types of Intraosseous Needle in Animal Bone Models | 김기운, 이지숙, 최상천 |
2009 | | A Comparison Study of Two Different Methods of Administration: Intranasal versus Intramuscular for Pediatric Procedural Sedation and Analgesia | 김기운, 안정환, 이국종, 이정아, 이지숙, 정윤석, 최상천 |
2009 | | A Clinical Overview of a Retrospective Study About Adult Intussusceptions: Focusing on Discrepancies Among Previous Studies. | 안정환, 이국종, 정윤석, 최상천 |
2009 | | The Effectiveness of Mobile Discharge Instruction Videos (MDIVs) in communicating discharge instructions to patients with lacerations or sprains. | 안정환, 정윤석, 최상천 |
2007 | | Current Status of Intraosseous Infusion Technique Use at Emergency Departments in Korea | 최상천 |
2003 | | The Efficacy and Safety of Rectal Thiopental Sodium for Sedation of Children in the Emergency Department | 김기운, 배기수, 정윤석, 조준필, 최상천 |