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최, 상천(Choi, Sang Chun) Currently indexed / E-mail
[School of Medicine / Graduate School of Medicine] - [Emergency Medicine]

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Showing results 51 to 96 of 96

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Pub YearTitleAJOU Author(s)
2014Is Unenhanced Abdominal CT Scan Necessary for the Diagnosis of Acute Appendicitis in Children?민영기, 박은정, 이두환, 이지숙, 최상천
2014Posterior Reversible Leukoencephalopathy Syndrome Following Acute Carbon Monoxide Poisoning: A Case Report민영기, 박은정, 정윤석, 최상천
2014Third cranial nerve palsy and posterior communicating artery aneurysm최상천
2014Clinical applications and contemporary trends of hyperbaric oxygen therapy in Korea김기운, 최상천
2013Retrospective Analysis on the Clinical Differences of Children and Adolescents Treated for Acute Pediatric Poisoning in an Emergency Department?민영기, 이지숙, 최상천
2013Successful Transplantation of Organs from a Donor with Bacterial Meningitis Caused by Streptococcus pneumonia - A Case Report -민영기, 박은정, 정윤석, 최상천
2013Recent 10-Year Experience of One Regional Emergency Center and Recommendation for Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT)김기운, 민영기, 정윤석, 조준필, 최상천
2013Injuries Associated with the 580 km University Student Grand Voluntary Road March: Focus on Foot Injuries.김기운, 민영기, 정윤석, 조준필, 최상천
2013Repetitive TASER X26 discharge resulted in adverse physiologic events with a dose-response relationship related to the duration of discharge in anesthetized swine model.민영기, 박은정, 최상천
2012A Comparative Study Between Newly Developed Wave-form and Traditional Straight-form Splints김기운, 이정아, 이지숙, 정윤석, 최상천
2012Comparison of Manual Versus Mechanical Chest Compression During Simulative out of Hospital Cardiac Arrest김기운, 이정아, 정윤석, 최상천
2012Cardiovascular Manifestations and Clinical Course after Acute Carbon Monoxide Poisoning김기운, 민영기, 정윤석, 최상천
2012The Clinical Characteristics and Prognosis after Acute Ingestion of Glacial Acetic Acid민영기, 정윤석, 조준필, 최상천
2012Clinical characteristics of patients with pseudo-subarachnoid haemorrhage who were successfully resuscitated from out-of-hospital cardiopulmonary arrest민영기, 정윤석, 최상천
2012Adjunctive atropine versus metoclopramide: can we reduce ketamine-associated vomiting in young children? a prospective, randomized, open, controlled study김기운, 민영기, 박은정, 이지숙, 정윤석, 최상천
2012Teaching basic life support to children using a humorous video민영기, 박은정, 이정아, 이지숙, 정윤석, 최상천
2012Characteristics of patients who visit the emergency department with self-inflicted injury배기수, 이정아, 임기영, 조준필, 최상천
2012The usefulness of the serum s100b protein for predicting delayed neurological sequelae in acute carbon monoxide poisoning민영기, 박은정, 이지숙, 정윤석, 최상천
2012Acute oral poisoning due to chloracetanilide herbicides최상천
2011Prediction of Mortality in Patients with Acute Paraquat Intoxication Using Simplified Acute Physiology Score II민영기, 박은정, 안정환, 정윤석, 최상천
2011A Case of Acute on Chronic Salicylate Poisoned Elderly Patient with Early Utilization of Continuous Venovenous Hemodiafiltration민영기, 이지숙, 전우찬, 정윤석, 최상천
2011Veiled Paraquat Poisoning - A Focus on Clinical Characteristics민영기, 박은정, 안정환, 정윤석, 최상천
2011Educational Needs and Perceptions of School Nurses Regarding Emergency Situations in School: Focus on Differences Based on the General Characteristics of School Nurses민영기, 안정환, 정윤석, 최상천
2011Problems with Transferring Major Trauma Patients to Emergency Medical Center of a University Hospital from Another Medical Center권준식, 이국종, 정경원, 최상천
2011A fatal case of flufenoxuron-containing insecticide poisoning complicated by lactic acidosis, shock, abdominal compartment syndrome.민영기, 박은정, 최상천
2011The usefulness of albumin-adjusted ischemia-modified albumin index as early detecting marker for ischemic stroke.안정환, 이위교, 정윤석, 최상천
2010Bickerstaff’s Brainstem Encephalitis Accompanied by Encephalopathy Associated with Autoimmune Thyroid Disease (EAATD): Case Report and Review김기운, 민영기, 박은정, 안정환, 정윤석, 최상천
2010Educational Needs of Homemakers Regarding Emergency Situations in the Home: Focused on Differences in Educational Needs based on the General Characteristics of Homemakers and Differences between Homemakers and Emergency Physicians안정환, 정윤석, 최상천
2010The Applicability and Usefulness of Emergency Department Syndromic Surveillance Using a Computed Data Source for Epidemic Keratoconjunctivitis and Meningitis김기운, 민영기, 박래웅, 안정환, 정윤석, 조준필, 최상천
2010Considerations for Cancellation Reception in an Emergency Department김기운, 안정환, 정윤석, 최상천
2010Cubic S Model: A for Early Recognition of Acute Ischemic Stroke Patients이진수, 정윤석, 최상천, 홍지만
2010The Efficacy of Rectal Thiopental According to the Enema Positions for Pediatric Sedation김기운, 안정환, 이국종, 이지숙, 최상천
2010Current State and Problem of the Transfer of Severely Injured Patients in One Regional Emergency Medical Center김기운, 민영기, 안정환, 이국종, 정경원, 정용식, 정윤석, 최상천
2009The Usefulness of Lactate Clearance Adjusted to Time as a Predictive Index in Patients with Severe Sepsis and Septic Shock민영기, 안정환, 이영주, 정윤석, 최상천
2009A Case of Valproic Acid Overdose Treated with Continuous Veno-Venous Hemodiafiltration민영기, 안정환, 정윤석, 최상천
2009A Lethal Case of Aute Zipeprol Poisoning Occurring in a Drug Addicted Old Woman김기운, 민영기, 안정환, 정윤석, 최상천
2009Clinical Experience with Continuous Renal Replacement Therapy as a Method of Extracorporeal Elimination and as performed by Emergency Room Physicians for Patients with Poisoning민영기, 안정환, 정윤석, 최상천
2009Influence of the Werther Effect: An Increase of Intentional Carbon Monoxide Poisoning민영기, 안정환, 이정아, 정윤석, 조준필, 최상천
2009Systemic Complications occurring after Korean Venomous Snake Bite, with focus on Hematologic and Neurologic Complications김기운, 민영기, 안정환, 이국종, 정윤석, 최상천
2009Digitalis-like Toxic Symptoms Occurring after Accidental Nerium indicum Poisoning김기운, 안정환, 이정아, 정윤석, 최상천
2009Comparison Analysis of Performance among the types of Intraosseous Needle in Animal Bone Models김기운, 이지숙, 최상천
2009A Comparison Study of Two Different Methods of Administration: Intranasal versus Intramuscular for Pediatric Procedural Sedation and Analgesia김기운, 안정환, 이국종, 이정아, 이지숙, 정윤석, 최상천
2009A Clinical Overview of a Retrospective Study About Adult Intussusceptions: Focusing on Discrepancies Among Previous Studies.안정환, 이국종, 정윤석, 최상천
2009The Effectiveness of Mobile Discharge Instruction Videos (MDIVs) in communicating discharge instructions to patients with lacerations or sprains.안정환, 정윤석, 최상천
2007Current Status of Intraosseous Infusion Technique Use at Emergency Departments in Korea최상천
2003The Efficacy and Safety of Rectal Thiopental Sodium for Sedation of Children in the Emergency Department김기운, 배기수, 정윤석, 조준필, 최상천
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