2008 | | Malignant transformation of multiple familial trichoepithelioma: case report and literature review. | 김유찬 |
2019 | | Markedly Reduced Risk of Internal Malignancies in Patients With Vitiligo: A Nationwide Population-Based Cohort Study | 김유찬 |
2015 | | Molecular classification of basal cell carcinoma of skin by gene expression profiling. | 박명철, 우현구, 이일재 |
2007 | | Mycosis fungoides showing incomplete response to topical 5-aminolaevulinic acid phototherapy. | 강희영, 김유찬, 이은소 |
2010 | | Myxofibrosarcoma mimicking cutaneous myxoma. | 김유찬 |
2024 | | Nail-preserving excision of glomus tumor in the second toe: Case report and literature review | 박영욱, 서영욱 |
2020 | | Non-melanoma skin cancer as a clinical marker for internal malignancies: a nationwide population-based cohort study | 김유찬 |
2007 | | Nuchal fibroma presenting as two posterior neck masses. | 김유찬 |
2008 | | Partial unilateral lentiginosis colocalized with naevus depigmentosus. | 강희영 |
2006 | | Partial unilateral lentiginosis with ocular involvement. | 강희영 |
2010 | | Pediatric primary cutaneous marginal zone B-cell lymphoma treated with intralesional rituximab. | 김유찬, 박준은, 정현주 |
2022 | | Phase II study of ceralasertib (AZD6738) in combination with durvalumab in patients with advanced/metastatic melanoma who have failed prior anti-PD-1 therapy | 권민석 |
2017 | | Photodynamic therapy with epidermal ablation using fractional carbon-dioxide laser in the treatment of Bowen's disease: A case series | 김유찬 |
2021 | | Photoprotection according to skin phototype and dermatoses: practical recommendations from an expert panel | 강희영 |
2007 | | Poliosis developing in a melanocytic nevus. | 강희영, 김유찬 |
2005 | | Polysaccharides isolated from Phellinus gilvus inhibit melanoma growth in mice. | 임현이 |
2022 | | Ponatinib-induced eruptive nevi and melanocytic proliferation | 강희영, 박태준 |
2006 | | Precursor B-cell lymphoblastic lymphoma involving the skin. | 김유찬, 이은소 |
2006 | | Primary cutaneous aggressive epidermotropic CD8(+) cytotoxic T-cell lymphoma with atypical presentation. | 강희영, 김유찬 |
2018 | | Proximal nail plate destruction in subungual melanoma could be a possible predictor of invasiveness thicker than 1.25 mm | 김유찬 |
2023 | | Ranitidine Use and Incident Cancer in a Multinational Cohort | 박래웅 |
2004 | | Recurrent pigmented macules after q-switched alexandrite laser treatment of congenital melanocytic nevus. | 손성향 |
2010 | | Reflectance confocal microscopy for pigmentary disorders. | 강희영 |
2011 | | Reflectance confocal microscopy for recurrent lentigo maligna. | 강희영 |
2020 | | Response to 'The incidence and survival of melanoma and nonmelanoma skin cancer in patients with vitiligo: a nationwide population-based matched cohort study in Korea' | 이은소, 최지웅 |
2010 | | Spitz naevus is rare in Korea. | 김유찬 |
2009 | | Subungual glomus tumours of the hand: diagnosis and outcome of the transungual approach. | 박동하, 박명철, 배남석, 이일재 |
2023 | | Sun exposure behaviours as a compromise to paradoxical injunctions: Insight from a worldwide survey | 강희영 |
2005 | | Teratoma in human tail lipoma. | 김세혁, 신용삼, 안영환, 윤수한, 조경기, 조기홍 |
2019 | | The 308-nm excimer laser treatment does not increase the risk of skin cancer in patients with vitiligo: A population-based retrospective cohort study | 강희영 |
2021 | | The long-term risk of lymphoma and skin cancer did not increase after topical calcineurin inhibitor use and phototherapy in a cohort of 25,694 patients with vitiligo | 강희영, 김유찬 |
2024 | | Thirty years of promoting sun safety in France: The messages are heard but not followed! | 강희영 |
2007 | | Trichoblastoma and syringocystadenoma papilliferum arising in naevus sebaceous in a 4-year-old boy. | 김유찬 |
2021 | | Use of hydrochlorothiazide and risk of nonmelanoma skin cancer in Koreans: a retrospective cohort study using administrative healthcare data | 김유찬, 최지웅 |
2005 | | Warty squamous cell carcinoma of the vulva in older women: association with human papillomavirus. | 김유찬, 이은소 |