Browsing by Keyword : deep learning

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Showing results 1 to 20 of 20

Pub YearTitleAJOU Author(s)
2022Artificial Intelligence Mortality Prediction Model for Gastric Cancer Surgery Based on Body Morphometry, Nutritional, and Surgical Information: Feasibility Study허지미, 허훈
2023Artificial intelligence-enhanced 12-lead electrocardiography for identifying atrial fibrillation during sinus rhythm (AIAFib) trial: protocol for a multicenter retrospective study이광노
2023Auditory Brainstem Response Data Preprocessing Method for the Automatic Classification of Hearing Loss Patients장정훈
2018Automatic segmentation of head anatomical structures from sparsely-annotated images정민석
2024Automatic Sleep Stage Classification Based on Deep Learning for Multi-channel Signals이광노
2023Classification of ICD-O-3 codes from pathology report using natural language processing김현미, 박래웅
2024Clinical Feasibility of Deep Learning–Based Attenuation Correction Models for Tl-201 Myocardial Perfusion SPECT박용진, 안영실, 윤준기, 이수진
2023Comprehensive clinical evaluation of deep learning-based auto-segmentation for radiotherapy in patients with cervical cancer정승연
2024CT영상을 이용한 외상성 흉요추 골절의 자동화된 진단 및 분류를 위한 심층신경망이두형, 이한동
2020Deep Learning Approach for Imputation of Missing Values in Actigraphy Data: Algorithm Development Study김은영, 노현웅, 손상준, 윤덕용, 홍창형
2024Deep Learning Method for Precise Landmark Identification and Structural Assessment of Whole-Spine Radiographs김상현, 노성현, 조평구
2023Deep learning model for the diagnosis of breast cancers smaller than 1 cm with ultrasonography: integration of ultrasonography and clinical factors김태희
2023Deep Learning-Based Automatic Detection and Grading of Motion-Related Artifacts on Gadoxetic Acid-Enhanced Liver MRI허지미
2024Development and Validation of Deep Learning-Based Infectivity Prediction in Pulmonary Tuberculosis Through Chest Radiography: Retrospective Study박지은, 정우영
2022Development of Anticancer Peptides Using Artificial Intelligence and Combinational Therapy for Cancer Therapeutics신태환, 이광
2022Modeling Brain Volume Using Deep Learning-Based Physical Activity Features in Patients With Dementia김은영, 노현웅, 박범희, 손상준, 홍창형
2023OSA-NET : An Efficient Convolutional Neural Network for OSA Diagnosis Screening Tool김태준
2024Prediction of immunochemotherapy response for diffuse large B-cell lymphoma using artificial intelligence digital pathology노명균
2021Representation-learning based propensity score model for causal inference in high dimension박래웅, 유승찬
2023Transformer-Based Gene Scoring Model for Extracting Representative Characteristic of Central Dogma Process to Prioritize Pathogenic Genes Applying Breast Cancer Multi-omics Data김병곤, 이수연
