Biochemistry & Molecular Biology504

Pub YearTitleAJOU Author(s)
2004Mitochondrial dysfunction via disruption of complex II activity during iron chelation-induced senescence-like growth arrest of Chang cells.윤계순, 이재호, 조혜성
2023Mitochondrial E3 ligase MARCH5 is a safeguard against DNA-PKcs-mediated immune signaling in mitochondria-damaged cells이재호, 조혜성
2007Mitochondrial fission and fusion mediators, hFis1 and OPA1, modulate cellular senescence.김수정, 정선용, 조혜성
2020Mitochondrial Respiratory Defect Enhances Hepatoma Cell Invasiveness via STAT3/NFE2L1/STX12 Axis권소미, 박태준, 윤계순, 이영경, 최경숙, 홍선미
2015Mitochondrial Respiratory Dysfunction Induces Claudin-1 Expression via Reactive Oxygen Species-mediated Heat Shock Factor 1 Activation, Leading to Hepatoma Cell Invasiveness.변해옥, 왕희정, 윤계순, 이영경
2012Mitofusin 1 is degraded at G2/M phase through ubiquitylation by MARCH5박용예, 조혜성
2022Mitoribosomal Deregulation Drives Senescence via TPP1-Mediated Telomere Deprotection박태준, 윤계순, 이영경, 임수빈
2020Mitoribosome Defect in Hepatocellular Carcinoma Promotes an Aggressive Phenotype with Suppressed Immune Reaction권소미, 왕희정, 우현구, 윤계순, 이영경
2004Mitotic aberration coupled with centrosome amplification is induced by hepatitis B virus X oncoprotein via the Ras-mitogen-activated protein/extracellular signal-regulated kinase-mitogen-activated protein pathway.이재호, 조혜성
2001Mixture of N-carbamoyl-L-glutamate plus L-arginine can protect rats with liver cirrhosis from acute ammonia intoxication.김욱환, 백운기, 이재호, 전성후, 조혜성
2017Modulation of Mitochondrial Membrane Potential and ROS Generation by Nicotinamide in a Manner Independent of SIRT1 and Mitophagy윤계순
2013Monensin, a polyether ionophore antibiotic, overcomes TRAIL resistance in glioma cells via endoplasmic reticulum stress, DR5 upregulation and c-FLIP downregulation.임준희, 최경숙
2021MRPS31 loss is a key driver of mitochondrial deregulation and hepatocellular carcinoma aggressiveness박태준, 우현구, 윤계순, 이영경
2023Multi-functional regulation of cGAS by the nuclear localization signal2 (NLS2) motif: Nuclear localization, enzyme activity and protein degradation이재호
2021Multi-omic analysis of selectively vulnerable motor neuron subtypes implicates altered lipid metabolism in ALS임수빈
2024Multicolor Two-Photon Microscopy Imaging of Lipid Droplets and Liver Capsule Macrophages In Vivo곽종영, 이인정
2024Multiomics profiling of buffy coat and plasma unveils etiology-specific signatures in hepatocellular carcinoma김순선, 은정우, 임수빈, 정재연, 조효정
2023Multivalent Carbohydrate Nanocomposites for Tumor Microenvironment Remodeling to Enhance Antitumor Immunity김유선
2012Mutagenesis by imprecise excision of the piggyBac transposon in Drosophila melanogaster김송희
1998N-carbamoyl-L-glutamate plus L-arginine can protect ammonia intoxication in rats with reduced functional liver mass.김욱환, 백운기, 이재호, 조혜성
2007NAG-1 up-regulation mediated by EGR-1 and p53 is critical for quercetin-induced apoptosis in HCT116 colon carcinoma cells.최경숙
2022NAMPT mitigates colitis severity by supporting redox-sensitive activation of phagocytosis in inflammatory macrophages김유선, 우현구, 윤계순, 이다근, 홍선미
2024NAMPT-Driven M2 Polarization of Tumor-Associated Macrophages Leads to an Immunosuppressive Microenvironment in Colorectal Cancer김유선, 윤계순, 이다근, 임수빈, 홍선미
2002NF-kappaB activation by hepatitis B virus X (HBx) protein shifts the cellular fate toward survival.박선, 윤차원, 이재호, 조혜성
2018NNMT depletion contributes to liver cancer cell survival by enhancing autophagy under nutrient starvation윤계순, 홍선미
2012Non-chromatographic Method for the Hepatitis B Virus X Protein Using Elastin-Like Polypeptide Fusion Protein조혜성
2004Nuclear accumulation of globular actin as a cellular senescence marker.유민숙, 임인경
2017Nuclear TRADD prevents DNA damage-mediated death by facilitating non-homologous end-joining repair구기방, 김유선, 조혜성, 지재훈
2017Nutlin-3 enhances the bortezomib sensitivity of p53-defective cancer cells by inducing paraptosis김인영, 최경숙
2013Nutlin-3, a small-molecule MDM2 inhibitor, sensitizes Caki cells to TRAIL-induced apoptosis through p53-mediated PUMA upregulation and ROS-mediated DR5 upregulation.최경숙
2016Oncogenic microtubule hyperacetylation through BEX4-mediated sirtuin 2 inhibition조혜성, 최경숙
2009Oncogenic Ras signals through activation of both phosphoinositide 3-kinase and Rac1 to induce c-Jun NH2-terminal kinase-mediated, caspase-independent cell death.윤계순
2017Ophiobolin A kills human glioblastoma cells by inducing endoplasmic reticulum stress via disruption of thiol proteostasis김인영, 최경숙
2014Origin of myofibroblasts in the fibrotic liver in mice.박태준
2024Overcoming melanin interference in melanocyte photodynamic therapy with a pyrene-derived two-photon photosensitizer박태준
2010Overexpression of Par-4 sensitizes TRAIL-induced apoptosis via inactivation of NF-kappaB and Akt signaling pathways in renal cancer cells.최경숙
2006Oxidation-reduction respiratory chains and ATP synthase complex are localized in detergent-resistant lipid rafts.윤계순
2018P-316: Mitochondrial ROS regulates hepatoma cell invasiveness via NFE2L1윤계순
2023p15INK4B is an alternative marker of senescent tumor cells in colorectal cancer김영화, 김장희, 박태준, 신준상, 이영경, 임수빈, 최용원
2020p16(ink4a) Positivity of Melanocytes in Non-Segmental Vitiligo강희영, 박태준
2009p31comet Induces cellular senescence through p21 accumulation and Mad2 disruption.윤계순
2014p90 ribosomal S6 kinase 1 (RSK1) isoenzyme specifically regulates cytokinesis progression.이인정, 이재호
2018Paracrine crosstalk between endothelial cells and melanocytes through clusterin to inhibit pigmentation강희영, 김미선, 박태준
2016Paraptosis in the anti-cancer arsenal of natural products김인영, 최경숙
2011Paxilline enhances TRAIL-mediated apoptosis of glioma cells via modulation of c-FLIP, survivin and DR5.최경숙
2018PELI1 Selectively Targets Kinase-Active RIP3 for Ubiquitylation-Dependent Proteasomal Degradation강호철, 김유선, 최승원
2014Pellino 1 promotes lymphomagenesis by deregulating BCL6 polyubiquitination.강호철, 조혜성
2019Pellino1 regulates reversible ATM activation via NBS1 ubiquitination at DNA double-strand breaks민선우, 조혜성, 지재훈
2019Pharmacogenomic analysis of patient-derived tumor cells in gynecologic cancers이진구
2009Phosphorylated extracellular signal-regulated protein kinases 1 and 2 phosphorylate Sp1 on serine 59 and regulate cellular senescence via transcription of p21Sdi1/Cip1/Waf1.김홍석, 임인경
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