2018 | | Factors affecting quality of life in patients with vitiligo: a nationwide study | 강희영, 김유찬 |
2024 | | Halo-Like Disappearance of Café au Lait Spot: A Clue for the Role of Autoimmunity and Somatic Mosaicism in Segmental Vitiligo | 강희영, 김진철 |
2021 | | Hypopigmented Mycosis Fungoides Mimicking Vitiligo | 김유찬 |
2010 | | Imiquimod induces apoptosis of human melanocytes. | 강희영, 김철호 |
2006 | | Induction of repigmentation in vitiligo after burn injury caused by oral psoralen and ultraviolet A therapy. | 김유찬 |
2016 | | Involvement of T cells in early evolving segmental vitiligo | 강희영 |
2022 | | Maintenance phototherapy for vitiligo: A multicenter, randomized controlled trial | 강희영 |
2019 | | Markedly Reduced Risk of Internal Malignancies in Patients With Vitiligo: A Nationwide Population-Based Cohort Study | 김유찬 |
2021 | | Melanogenesis-promoting effect of Cirsium japonicum flower extract in vitro and ex vivo | 강희영 |
2020 | | Multiple actinic keratoses with in vitiliginous patches in a patient with non-segmental vitiligo | 신재용 |
2015 | | Prevalence of vitiligo and associated comorbidities in Korea. | 강희영 |
2023 | | Progression of Pre-Existing Vitiligo during Secukinumab Treatment for Psoriasis | 김진철, 이은소 |
2021 | | Proton pump inhibitor–induced vitiligo following airborne occupational sensitization | 강희영 |
2010 | | Reflectance confocal microscopy for pigmentary disorders. | 강희영 |
2020 | | Response to 'The incidence and survival of melanoma and nonmelanoma skin cancer in patients with vitiligo: a nationwide population-based matched cohort study in Korea' | 이은소, 최지웅 |
2020 | | Standardizing serial photography for assessing and monitoring vitiligo: A core set of international recommendations for essential clinical and technical specifications | 강희영 |
2020 | | Suberythemic and erythemic doses of a 308-nm excimer laser treatment of stable vitiligo in combination with topical tacrolimus: A randomized controlled trial | 강희영 |
2019 | | The 308-nm excimer laser treatment does not increase the risk of skin cancer in patients with vitiligo: A population-based retrospective cohort study | 강희영 |
1993 | | The change of melanocyte cytotoxicity after systemic steroid treatment in vitiligo patients. | 김형일 |
2021 | | The long-term risk of lymphoma and skin cancer did not increase after topical calcineurin inhibitor use and phototherapy in a cohort of 25,694 patients with vitiligo | 강희영, 김유찬 |
2023 | | Treatment outcomes and prognostic factors of motorized 0.5-mm micropunch grafting with a skin-seeding technique for 83 cases of vitiligo in children | 강희영, 김진철 |
2020 | | Tyrosinase Activity and Melanogenic Effects of Lespedeza bicolor Extract in vitro and in vivo | 강희영 |
2019 | | Validation of a physician global assessment tool for vitiligo extent: Results of an international vitiligo expert meeting | 강희영 |
2000 | | Verruca vulgaris following treatment of vitiligo with epidermal grafting. | 임성빈 |