Browsing by Keyword : Coronary Stenosis

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Showing results 1 to 51 of 53

Pub YearTitleAJOU Author(s)
2013Accuracy and predictive value of coronary computed tomography angiography for the detection of obstructive coronary heart disease in patients with an agatston calcium score above 400.강두경, 선주성, 윤명호
2010Adenosine-stress dynamic myocardial CT perfusion imaging: initial clinical experience.강두경
2013An intravascular ultrasound comparison of left anterior descending artery/first diagonal branch versus distal left main coronary artery bifurcation lesions.최소연, 탁승제
2016Angiographic spontaneous pseudo-resolution of a coronary artery aneurysm after implantation of a sirolimus-eluting stent양형모, 윤명호, 임홍석, 탁승제
2019Angiography-Based Machine Learning for Predicting Fractional Flow Reserve in Intermediate Coronary Artery Lesions최소연
2024Assessment of Coronary Stenosis Using Coronary CT Angiography in Patients with High Calcium Scores: Current Limitations and Future Perspectives강두경
2023Atherosclerosis Imaging Quantitative Computed Tomography (AI-QCT) to guide referral to invasive coronary angiography in the randomized controlled CONSERVE trial최소연
2023Clinical Outcomes of Deferred Lesions by IVUS Versus FFR-Guided Treatment Decision윤명호, 탁승제
2011Comparing two-stent strategies for bifurcation coronary lesions: which vessel should be stented first, the main vessel or the side branch?탁승제
2018Comparison of Fractional FLow Reserve And Intravascular ultrasound-guided Intervention Strategy for Clinical OUtcomes in Patients with InteRmediate Stenosis (FLAVOUR): Rationale and design of a randomized clinical trial양형모, 탁승제
2020Comparison of fractional myocardial mass, a vessel-specific myocardial mass-at-risk, with coronary angiographic scoring systems for predicting myocardial ischemia임홍석
2013Coronary endothelial dysfunction in patients with early coronary artery disease is associated with the increase in intravascular lipid core plaque.최병주
2011CT comparison of visual and computerised quantification of coronary stenosis according to plaque composition.강두경, 임홍석
2016Differential effect of side branch intervention on long-term clinical outcomes according to side branch stenosis after main vessel stenting: Results from the COBIS (Coronary Bifurcation Stenting) Registry II탁승제
2017Effect of sarpogrelate, a selective 5-HT2A receptor antagonist, on characteristics of coronary artery disease in patients with type 2 diabetes강두경, 김혜진, 한승진
2005Effectiveness of sirolimus-eluting stent implantation for the treatment of ostial left anterior descending artery stenosis with intravascular ultrasound guidance.탁승제
2003False-positive exercise echocardiograms: impact of sex and blood pressure response.신준한
2012Final kissing ballooning and long-term clinical outcomes in coronary bifurcation lesions treated with 1-stent technique: results from the COBIS registry탁승제
2011High-temporal resolution dual-energy computed tomography of the heart using a novel hybrid image reconstruction algorithm: initial experience.강두경
2017Identification of Coronary Artery Side Branch Supplying Myocardial Mass That May Benefit From Revascularization임홍석
2004Identification of proximal left anterior descending artery stenosis with thallium-201 defect patterns in patients with angina pectoris.윤준기
2017Impact of calcified bifurcation lesions in patients undergoing percutaneous coronary intervention using drug-eluting stents: results from the COronary BIfurcation Stent (COBIS) II registry탁승제
2012Impact of coronary bifurcation angle on clinical outcomes after percutaneous coronary intervention in real-world practice: results from the COBIS registry탁승제
2014Impact of female gender on bleeding complications after transradial coronary intervention (from the Korean Transradial Coronary Intervention registry).서경우, 양형모, 윤명호, 임홍석, 최병주, 최소연, 탁승제
2011Impact of intravascular ultrasound guidance on long-term clinical outcomes in patients treated with drug-eluting stent for bifurcation lesions: data from a Korean multicenter bifurcation registry.탁승제
2016Impact of non-compliant balloons on long-term clinical outcomes in coronary bifurcation lesions: results from the COBIS (COronary BIfurcation Stent) II registry탁승제
2021Influence of lesion and disease subsets on the diagnostic performance of the quantitative flow ratio in real-world patients윤명호
2005Intracoronary continuous adenosine infusion.탁승제
2018Intravascular ultrasound characteristics in patients with intermediate coronary lesions and borderline fractional flow reserve measurements서경우, 양형모, 윤명호, 임홍석, 최병주, 최소연, 탁승제, 황교승
2018Machine learning assessment of myocardial ischemia using angiography: Development and retrospective validation최소연
2018Myocardial Mass Contributes to the Discrepancy Between Anatomic Stenosis Severity Assessed by Intravascular Ultrasound and Fractional Flow Reserve in Intermediate Lesions of the Coronary Artery박진선, 서경우, 신준한, 양형모, 윤명호, 임홍석, 최병주, 최소연, 탁승제, 황교승
2011Optimal intravascular ultrasound criteria and their accuracy for defining the functional significance of intermediate coronary stenoses of different locations.양형모, 윤명호, 임홍석, 탁승제
2014Optimal Intravascular Ultrasound Criteria for Defining the Functional Significance of Intermediate Coronary Stenosis: An International Multicenter Study양형모, 윤명호, 탁승제
2010Outcomes of percutaneous coronary intervention in intermediate coronary artery disease: fractional flow reserve-guided versus intravascular ultrasound-guided.탁승제
2005Physiologic assessment of jailed side branch lesions using fractional flow reserve.탁승제
2016Physiological Severity of Coronary Artery Stenosis Depends on the Amount of Myocardial Mass Subtended by the Coronary Artery강두경, 윤명호, 임홍석, 탁승제
2024Physiology- or Imaging-Guided Strategies for Intermediate Coronary Stenosis윤명호
2013Predictors and outcomes of side branch occlusion after main vessel stenting in coronary bifurcation lesions: results from the COBIS II Registry (COronary BIfurcation Stenting).탁승제
2016Predictors for Side Branch Failure During Provisional Strategy of Coronary Intervention for Bifurcation Lesions (from the Korean Bifurcation Registry)탁승제
2024Prognostic Implications of Quantitative Flow Ratio and Plaque Characteristics in Intravascular Ultrasound–Guided Treatment Strategy윤명호
2005Randomized comparison of carbon ion-implanted stent versus bare metal stent in coronary artery disease: the Asian Pacific Multicenter Arthos Stent Study (PASS) trial.탁승제
2011Randomized trial of stents versus bypass surgery for left main coronary artery disease.탁승제
2015Randomized Trial of Stents Versus Bypass Surgery for Left Main Coronary Artery Disease: 5-Year Outcomes of the PRECOMBAT Study.탁승제
2014Relationship between intravascular ultrasound parameters and fractional flow reserve in intermediate coronary artery stenosis of left anterior descending artery: intravascular ultrasound volumetric analysis.박진선, 신준한, 양형모, 윤명호, 임홍석, 최병주, 최소연, 탁승제, 황교승
2017Study protocol for a randomised controlled trial: harmonising optimal strategy for treatment of coronary artery stenosis - coronary intervention with next-generation drug-eluting stent platforms and abbreviated dual antiplatelet therapy (HOST-IDEA) trial윤명호
2014The impact of age on fractional flow reserve-guided percutaneous coronary intervention: a FAME (Fractional Flow Reserve versus Angiography for Multivessel Evaluation) trial substudy.임홍석
2016The impact of left ventricular ejection fraction on fractional flow reserve: Insights from the FAME (Fractional flow reserve versus Angiography for Multivessel Evaluation) trial양형모, 임홍석
2017The impact of microvascular resistance on the discordance between anatomical and functional evaluations of intermediate coronary disease박진선, 서경우, 신준한, 양형모, 윤명호, 임홍석, 최병주, 최소연, 탁승제, 황교승
2015The relationship between intravascular ultrasound-derived percent total atheroma volume and fractional flow reserve in the intermediate stenosis of proximal or middle left anterior descending coronary artery.박진선, 서경우, 신준한, 양형모, 윤명호, 임홍석, 최병주, 최소연, 탁승제, 황교승
2011The relationship between volumetric plaque components and classical cardiovascular risk factors and the metabolic syndrome a 3-vessel coronary artery virtual histology-intravascular ultrasound analysis.박진선, 신준한, 양형모, 윤명호, 임홍석, 최병주, 최소연, 탁승제, 황교승
2015Three dimensional quantitative coronary angiography can detect reliably ischemic coronary lesions based on fractional flow reserve.최병주
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