Browsing by Keyword : Deep learning

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Showing results 1 to 22 of 22

Pub YearTitleAJOU Author(s)
2023A Deep Learning-Based Automatic Collateral Assessment in Patients with Acute Ischemic Stroke이진수, 홍지만
2022An artificial intelligence electrocardiogram analysis for detecting cardiomyopathy in the peripartum period진우람
2020Application of deep learning to the diagnosis of cervical lymph node metastasis from thyroid cancer with CT: external validation and clinical utility for resident training하은주
2023Artificial Intelligence in Gastric Cancer Imaging With Emphasis on Diagnostic Imaging and Body Morphometry허지미
2022Artificial intelligence–powered programmed death ligand 1 analyser reduces interobserver variation in tumour proportion score for non–small cell lung cancer with better prediction of immunotherapy response김석휘
2024Assessment of deep learning-based auto-contouring on interobserver consistency in target volume and organs-at-risk delineation for breast cancer: Implications for RTQA program in a multi-institutional study조오연
2021Automated assessment of the substantia nigra on susceptibility map-weighted imaging using deep convolutional neural networks for diagnosis of Idiopathic Parkinson's disease윤정한
2021Automated detection of acute myocardial infarction using asynchronous electrocardiogram signals-preview of implementing artificial intelligence with multichannel electrocardiographs obtained from smartwatches: Retrospective study임홍석
2021Clinical feasibility of deep learning-based auto-segmentation of target volumes and organs-at-risk in breast cancer patients after breast-conserving surgery정승연
2024Convolutional neural network-based classification of craniosynostosis and suture lines from multi-view cranial X-rays노태훈
2023Deep Interactive Learning-based ovarian cancer segmentation of H&E-stained whole slide images to study morphological patterns of BRCA mutation노진
2023Deep learning referral suggestion and tumour discrimination using explainable artificial intelligence applied to multiparametric MRI이다현
2024Deep learning-based fully automatic Risser stage assessment model using abdominal radiographs황지선
2024Deep learning-based metastasis detection in patients with lung cancer to enhance reproducibility and reduce workload in brain metastasis screening with MRI: a multi-center study이다현
2020Development and Validation of a Deep Learning System for Segmentation of Abdominal Muscle and Fat on Computed Tomography허지미
2024Development of a multi-modal learning-based lymph node metastasis prediction model for lung cancer김철호, 유슬기, 허재성
2020Discovering hidden information in biosignals from patients using artificial intelligence윤덕용
2022Electrocardiographic biomarker based on machine learning for detecting overt hyperthyroidism박래웅, 소문승, 전자영, 진우람
2024Hyperosmolar therapy response in traumatic brain injury: Explainable artificial intelligence based long-term time series forecasting approach김세혁, 노태훈, 유남규
2023Orthognathic surgical planning using graph CNN with dual embedding module: External validations with multi-hospital datasets김영호
2022Prediction of Decompensation and Death in Advanced Chronic Liver Disease Using Deep Learning Analysis of Gadoxetic Acid-Enhanced MRI허수빈
2023The diagnostic performance and clinical value of deep learning-based nodule detection system concerning influence of location of pulmonary nodule박범희, 선주성, 유슬기, 윤재성, 하태양
