Browsing "Psychiatry & Behavioural Sciences" by AJOU Author : 신윤미

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Showing results 1 to 52 of 52

Pub YearTitleAJOU Author(s)
2010A descriptive study of pathways to care of high risk for psychosis adolescents in Korea.신윤미
2008A Preliminary Study for the Perceived Need and Use of Child Mental Health Services김신영, 신윤미, 임기영, 정영기, 조선미
2011A Preliminary Study on the Development of Korean Medication Algorithm for Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder신윤미
2004A Preliminary Study on the Typology of Male Spouse Abusers in Korea신윤미, 임기영, 정영기, 조선미
2008A Study of Sexual Assaults on Children and Adolescents: Based on Data from a One-Stop Service Center김신영, 신윤미, 정영기
2007Aripiprazole for the Treatment of Complex Motor Tic Disorder:Case Report노재성, 신윤미
2012Change of Quality of Life in Children with ADHD after 12 Weeks OROS-Methylphenidate Treatment신윤미
2010Characteristics of Internet Use in Relation to School Bullying고상현, 신윤미
2012Difference between Children’s Self-Reports on Depression and Parents’ Assessment of Children’s Behaviors신경민, 신윤미
2013Difficulty in Facial Emotion Recognition in Children with ADHD신윤미, 이주영, 정영기, 조선미
2013Does psychopathology in childhood predict internet addiction in male adolescents?신경민, 신윤미, 임기영, 조선미
2013Early risk factors for depressive symptoms among Korean adolescents: a 6-to-8 year follow-up study.신경민, 신윤미, 조선미
2016Effects of Early Childhood Peer Relationships on Adolescent Mental Health: A 6- to 8-Year Follow-Up Study in South Korea신윤미, 조선미
2018Electronic Media Exposure and Use among Toddlers신윤미, 장형윤
2012Emotional and Behavioral Problems in Children with Chronic Physical Illness신윤미, 조선미
2014Emotional and Behavioral Problems Related to Smartphone Overuse in Elementary School Children신경민, 신윤미
2014Factor structure of the Internet Addiction Scale and its associations with psychiatric symptoms for Korean adolescents.신윤미, 조선미
2007Factors influencing perceptions of need for and decisions to solicit child mental health services by parents of 9-12 year-old Korean children.신윤미, 조선미
2004Familial Characteristics of Internet Overuse Adolescents신윤미
2014Gender differences in factors associated with perceived need and use of Korean adolescents mental health services.김남희, 노재성, 신윤미, 임기영, 정영기
2012Gender-specific early risk factors for delinquent behavior of Korean youth: a 6- to 8-year longitudinal study신경민, 신윤미, 임기영, 정영기, 조선미
2011High-Resolution Actigraphic Analysis of ADHD: A Wide Range of Movement Variability Observation in Three School Courses ? A Pilot Study감혜진, 박래웅, 신윤미, 이기영, 조선미
2018Impact of Exposure to Media Devices in Early Childhood on the Later Language Development: Cohort Study신윤미
2007K-CBCL, Parent’s SCL-90-R, Ways of Coping Checklist According to Family Types - Focused in low Income Families -김신영, 신윤미, 임기영
2018Maternal Depression and Children's Screen Overuse김성주, 신윤미, 장형윤
2019Mediating effect of interpersonal coping on meaning in spirituality and quality of life and the influences of depression and anxiety thereon in cancer patients노재성, 신윤미
2005Mental Health Status and Familial Factors of Runaway Adolescents in Shelter신윤미, 정영기, 조선미
2014Neurotrophin 3 genotype and emotional adverse effects of osmotic-release oral system methylphenidate (OROS-MPH) in children with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder.신윤미
2013Norepinephrine genes predict response time variability and methylphenidate-induced changes in neuropsychological function in attention deficit hyperactivity disorder.신윤미
2013Parental perceived benefits of OROS-methylphenidate treatment for the child with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder and for parents themselves.신윤미
2006Predictors of Self-Reported Depression and Anxiety in 9-12-year-old Korean Children신윤미, 조선미
2022Psychiatric disorders among children with acute lymphoblastic leukemia in South Korea: a nationwide population-based longitudinal study노오규, 신윤미, 허재성
2018Psychiatric Sequelae of Former "Comfort Women," Survivors of the Japanese Military Sexual Slavery during World War II신윤미
2018Psychological Factors Associated With Smartphone Addiction in South Korean Adolescents신윤미, 조선미
2015Psychopathology Associated with Cyberbullying among Middle School Students.신윤미, 이지원, 조선미
2014Psychosocial risk factors associated with internet addiction in Korea.신경민, 신윤미, 조선미
2012Sociodemographic Characteristics and Emotional and Behavioral Factors Associated with Perceived Need and Use of Adolescent Mental Health Services in Korea노재성, 신경민, 신윤미, 임기영, 정영기
2008Sociodemographic Characteristics and Emotional and Behavioral Problems Related with Internet Addiction Tendency in Adolescents김남희, 신윤미, 이영문, 임기영, 정영기, 조선미
2013Suicide among the elderly and associated factors in South Korea.신경민, 신윤미, 임기영, 조선미, 홍창형
2015The effects of maternal depression on child mental health problems based on gender of the child.신윤미, 이지원, 임기영, 조선미
2016The Effects of the School Violence Prevention Program Using Temperament신윤미, 조선미
2014The influence of unsupervised time on elementary school children at high risk for inattention and problem behaviors.신윤미
2012The pathway of internalizing and externalizing problems from childhood to adolescence: a prospective study from age 7 to 14-16 in Korea신윤미, 임기영, 조선미
2013The promotion of mental health and the prevention of mental health problems in child and adolescent신윤미, 조선미
2015The Structure of Co-Occurring Bullying Experiences and Associations with Suicidal Behaviors in Korean Adolescents.신윤미
2019Transgenerational Transmission of Trauma: Psychiatric Evaluation of Offspring of Former "Comfort Women," Survivors of the Japanese Military Sexual Slavery during World War II신윤미
2014Treatment Adherence of Osmotic-Controlled Release Oral Delivery System Methylphenidate in Korean Children and Adolescents with Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder신윤미
2011Val/Val genotype of brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) Val⁶⁶Met polymorphism is associated with a better response to OROS-MPH in Korean ADHD children.신윤미
2010What factors are related to delayed treatment in individuals at high risk for psychosis?신윤미
2007Which Depressive Symptoms are Associated with Help-Seeking Behavior?신윤미, 안병은
2012아주대학교 의과대학 환자/의사/사회 과정을 통한 의학전문직업성 교육 경험신윤미, 임기영, 채수진, 함기현
2012주의력결핍 과잉행동장애에서 파탄적 행동장애의 공존과 약물치료신윤미
