2017 | | Independent association among suicidal ideation, asthma, and bronchial hyperresponsiveness in adolescents | 장형윤 |
2022 | | Independent replication of advanced brain age in mild cognitive impairment and dementia: detection of future cognitive dysfunction | 노현웅, 문소영, 박범희, 손상준, 정재연, 조용혁, 최진욱, 홍창형 |
2017 | | Influence of personality on depression, burden, and health-related quality of life in family caregivers of persons with dementia | 문소영, 이윤환, 홍창형 |
2016 | | Interaction between 25-hydroxyvitamin D and variants at 17q12-21 on respiratory infections | 장형윤 |
2006 | | Interpersonal Conflicts and Communication among Medical Residents, Nurses and Technologists | 김용순, 임기영 |
2024 | | Introducing Open Dialogue as part of the WHO QualityRights Project in South Korea: experiences and opinions from an introductory workshop and 1-year pilot practice | 김신권, 노재성, 조용혁 |
2007 | | K-CBCL, Parent’s SCL-90-R, Ways of Coping Checklist According to Family Types - Focused in low Income Families - | 김신영, 신윤미, 임기영 |
2020 | | Korean frailty and aging cohort study (KFACS): cohort profile | 김진희, 손상준, 이윤환 |
2024 | | Lack of Parental Control Is Longitudinally Associated With Higher Smartphone Addiction Tendency in Young Children: A Population-Based Cohort Study | 신윤미, 이상하 |
2016 | | Large intracranial volume accelerates conversion to dementia in males and APOE4 non-carriers with mild cognitive impairment | 손상준 |
2015 | | Learning objectives achievement in ethics education for medical school students. | 임기영, 채수진 |
2009 | | Lifestyle Recommendations for Dementia Prevention: PASCAL | 이윤환, 홍창형 |
2005 | | Lithium attenuates stress-induced impairment of long-term potentiation induction. | 노재성, 임기영, 정민환, 정영기 |
2006 | | Lithium Potentiates the FeCl₂ Induced Free Radical Injury in Primary Mouse Cortical Cell Culture | 곽병주, 노재성, 정영기 |
2022 | | Long-term methylphenidate use for children and adolescents with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and risk for depression, conduct disorder, and psychotic disorder: a nationwide longitudinal cohort study in South Korea | 김성주, 박래웅, 신윤미 |
2024 | | Longitudinal accelerated brain age in mild cognitive impairment and Alzheimer’s disease | 손상준 |
2015 | | Lower glomerular filtration rate associated with white matter hyperintensities more in vascular dementia than in Alzheimer's disease. | 손상준, 홍창형 |
2022 | | Lower-Income Predicts Increased Smartphone Use and Problematic Behaviors Among Schoolchildren During COVID-19 Related School Modification: A Longitudinal Study | 김성주, 신윤미 |
2018 | | Maternal Depression and Children's Screen Overuse | 김성주, 신윤미, 장형윤 |
2022 | | Maternal Posttraumatic Stress Symptoms and Psychological Burden in Mothers of Korean Children with Anaphylaxis | 이수영, 장형윤, 정경욱 |