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Showing results 257 to 276 of 445

Pub YearTitleAJOU Author(s)
2021Job retention process among working people with mental illness: A grounded theory approach현명선
2016Job satisfaction and leaving intentions of midwives: analysis of a multinational cross-sectional survey송미숙
2017Job Satisfaction and Subjective Well-Being Among Midwives: Analysis of a Multinational Cross-Sectional Survey송미숙
2017Knowledge and perception of cardiovascular disease risk among patients with rheumatoid arthritis부선주, 서창희
2000Knowledge and Practice of the Spinal Cord Injury Patients for the Clean Intermittent Self Catheterzation유혜라
2008Korean nurses’ awareness of patients’ rights in hospitals김용순, 박진희, 유문숙
2000Korean Undergraduate Students’ Intention, Attitude, Perceived Control, and Social Pressure for Moderate Drinking Behavior유혜라
2017Learned Helplessness to Predict Regular Physical Activity among Individuals with Rheumatoid Arthritis부선주
2003Learning Experiences of Graduate Nursing Students through Problem-based Learning Curriculum현명선
2008Lifestyle Characteristics, Metabolic Syndrome Risk Factors and Risk of Cardiovascular Disease among Workers in Kyeongki-do김범택, 김춘자, 박재범
2000Literature Review of HIV - Positive Patient Care Studies which used Concepts from theory of Reasoned Action유혜라
2021Maternal adaptation of working mothers with infants or toddlers in South Korea: a systematic review송주은, 안정아
2004Maternal Child-rearing Attitude, Child-rearing Burden, and Their Preschoolers´ Temperament방경숙
2016Medical Convergence Analysis of Complaint about Medical Service in an Affiliated Hospital유문숙
2019Menopausal Symptoms and Quality of Life Among Breast Cancer Patients with Chemotherapy-induced Amenorrhea김지영, 박진희, 배선형, 정용식
2010Mental Health and Self-care Activities according to Perceived Stress Level in Type 2 Diabetic Patients with Metabolic Syndrome김춘자
2017Mental health status and its predictors among call center employees: A cross-sectional study부선주
2007Metabolic Syndrome Risk Factors, Anger, Depression and Self-Care Activities According to Mode of Anger Expression in Diabetic김춘자
2007Metabolic Syndrome Risk Factors, Anger, Depression and Self-Care Activities According to Mode of Anger Expression in Diabetic Elders김춘자
