Browsing by Keyword : Neutrophils

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Showing results 1 to 51 of 74

Pub YearTitleAJOU Author(s)
2008A Case of Primary Cutaneous Anaplastic Large Cell Lymphoma with Extensive Inflammatory Cell Infiltration강희영, 김유찬, 이은소
2020A membrane-tethering pepducin derived from formyl peptide receptor 3 shows strong therapeutic effects against sepsis박준성
2014A novel delivery platform for therapeutic peptides.박준성
2019A Simple Scoring System Using the Red Blood Cell Distribution Width, Delta Neutrophil Index, and Platelet Count to Predict Mortality in Patients With Severe Sepsis and Septic Shock김은진
2018Activation of formyl peptide receptor 2 by WKYMVm enhances emergency granulopoiesis through phospholipase C activity박준성
2020Airway G-CSF identifies neutrophilic inflammation and contributes to asthma progression박해심, 최영우
2016Altered Systemic Adipokines in Patients with Chronic Urticaria박해심, 반가영, 예영민
2021An update on the pathogenic role of neutrophils in systemic juvenile idiopathic arthritis and adult-onset still’s disease김지원, 김현아, 서창희, 안미현, 정주양
2024Anti-inflammatory effect of Trichospira verticillata via suppression of the NLRP3 inflammasome in neutrophilic asthma박용환
2016Anti-septic effects of dabrafenib on HMGB1-mediated inflammatory responses김유선
2016Association of autophagy related gene polymorphisms with neutrophilic airway inflammation in adult asthma김승현, 신유섭, 예영민
2016Blood Neutrophil-to-Lymphocyte Ratio Predicts Tumor Recurrence in Patients with Hepatocellular Carcinoma within Milan Criteria after Hepatectomy김봉완, 왕희정
2016Blood Neutrophil-to-Lymphocyte Ratio predicts tumor recurrence in patients with hepatocellular carcinoma within Milan criteria after hepatectomy왕희정, 호석광
2007Bronchoalveolar cellularity and interleukin-8 levels in measles bronchiolitis obliterans.정다은
2016Circulating angiopoietin-1 and -2 in patients with stable and exacerbated asthma박해심
2019Clinical characteristics of enteroviral meningitis without pleocytosis in children: a retrospective single center observational study in the Republic of Korea고유라, 이지숙, 최민정
2021Clinical Implications of Combined Lymphocyte and Neutrophil Count in Locally Advanced Rectal Cancer After Preoperative Chemoradiotherapy오승엽, 윤순석
2020Combination versus single-agent as palliative chemotherapy for gastric cancer강석윤, 박준성, 신승수, 안미선, 이현우, 정성현, 최용원, 최진혁
2018Comparison of subchronic immunotoxicity of four different types of aluminum-based nanoparticles장재락
2024Contribution of monocyte and macrophage extracellular traps to neutrophilic airway inflammation in severe asthma박해심, 신유섭, 유민숙, 장재혁, 최영우
2024Downregulation of otulin induces inflammasome activation in neutrophilic asthma박용환, 박해심
2016Effect of Continuous-Wave Low-Intensity Ultrasound in Inflammatory Resolution of Arthritis-Associated Synovitis민병현, 백은주
2023Endocrine-disrupting chemical exposure augments neutrophilic inflammation in severe asthma through the autophagy pathway박해심, 신유섭, 유민숙, 최영우
1999Enhanced basophil histamine release and neutrophil chemotactic activity predispose grain dust-induced airway obstruction.남동호, 박해심
1998Enhanced neutrophil chemotactic activity after bronchial challenge in subjects with grain dust-induced asthma.박해심
2003Enhanced serum neutrophil chemotactic activity was noted in both early and late asthmatic responses during lysine-aspirin bronchoprovocation test in ASA-sensitive asthmatic patients.남동호, 박해심
2017Epithelial folliculin is involved in airway inflammation in workers exposed to toluene diisocyanate김승현, 박해심, 반가영
2019Evaluation of Neutrophil Activation Status According to the Phenotypes of Adult Asthma김승현, 박해심
2020GnRH impairs diabetic wound healing through enhanced NETosis강성운, 김철호, 박영욱
2000Grain dust induces IL-8 production from bronchial epithelial cells: effect on neutrophil recruitment.김선신, 박해심
2012Identification of novel peptides that stimulate human neutrophils박준성
2024Immune Cell-Mediated Autoimmune Responses in Severe Asthma박해심, 장재혁
1998Immunohistochemical characterization of cellular infiltrate in nasal polyp from aspirin-sensitive asthmatic patients.남동호, 박기현, 박해심, 서경식
2018Importance of prognostic value of neutrophil to lymphocyte ratio in patients with ST-elevation myocardial infarction박진선, 서경우, 신준한, 윤명호, 최병주, 최소연, 탁승제, 황교승
2024Lactobacillus paracasei-derived extracellular vesicles alleviate neutrophilic asthma by inhibiting the JNK pathway in airway epithelium박해심
2020Laparoscopic Gastrectomy Using Instruments with a Minimal Diameter for Early Gastric Cancer: A Feasible Alternative to Conventional Laparoscopic Gastrectomy for Experienced Surgeons노철규, 손상용, 한상욱, 허훈
2021Late Mortality Prediction of Neutrophil-to-Lymphocyte and Platelet Ratio in Patients With Trauma Who Underwent Emergency Surgery: A Retrospective Study이인경, 채윤정
2017Metabolomic analysis identifies potential diagnostic biomarkers for aspirin-exacerbated respiratory disease김승현, 박해심, 반가영, 신유섭, 예영민
2019Neutrophil activation in occupational asthma박해심, 이영수
2017Neutrophil autophagy and extracellular DNA traps contribute to airway inflammation in severe asthma김승현, 박해심, 반가영, 신유섭, 예영민, 최용준
2017Neutrophil Extracellular DNA Traps Induce Autoantigen Production by Airway Epithelial Cells김승현, 박해심, 반가영, 이지호
1998Neutrophil infiltration and release of IL-8 in airway mucosa from subjects with grain dust-induced occupational asthma.남동호, 박해심, 황성철
2019Neutrophil-to-lymphocyte ratio and platelet-to-lymphocyte ratio are associated with disease activity in polymyalgia rheumatica김현아, 서창희, 정주양
2023Neutrophil-to-lymphocyte ratio is an independent predictor for neurological disability in patients with idiopathic transverse myelitis박범희, 주인수
2023Neutrophils in Inflammatory Diseases: Unraveling the Impact of Their Derived Molecules and Heterogeneity손성향
2024NLRP3 inflammasome activation and NETosis positively regulate each other and exacerbate proinflammatory responses: implications of NETosis inhibition for acne skin inflammation treatment김철호, 이복순, 이윤상
2012Phospholipase C activator m-3M3FBS protects against morbidity and mortality associated with sepsis박준성
2018Predictors of early weaning failure from mechanical ventilation in critically ill patients after emergency gastrointestinal surgery: A retrospective study정윤태
2015Preoperative neutrophil to lymphocyte ratio predicts survival in patients with T1-2N0 colorectal cancer.서광욱, 오승엽
2017Prognostic Significance of Lymphocyte Counts in Colon Cancer Patients Treated with FOLFOX Chemotherapy김영배, 노오규, 서광욱, 오승엽
2019Prognostic significance of preoperative and follow-up neutrophil-to-lymphocyte ratio and platelet-to-lymphocyte ratio in patients with non-metastatic clear cell renal cell carcinoma김선일, 김세중, 심강희, 안현수, 최종보, 추설호
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