Browsing by Keyword : Phytotherapy
Showing results 1 to 14 of 14
Pub Year | | Title | AJOU Author(s) |
2014 | | A high-fat diet increases oxidative renal injury and protein glycation in D-galactose-induced aging rats and its prevention by Korea red ginseng. | 이수환 |
2021 | | Anti-osteoporotic effect of morroniside on osteoblast and osteoclast differentiation in vitro and ovariectomized mice in vivo | 김정현, 박은국, 이창근, 정선용 |
2002 | | Antithrombotic effect of onion in streptozotocin-induced diabetic rat. | 문창현, 백은주, 이수환, 정이숙 |
2003 | | Combined treatment with colchicine and Herba Taraxaci (Tarazacum mongolicum Hand.-Mazz.) attenuates Behcet's disease-like symptoms in mice and influences the expressions of cytokines. | 손성향, 이성낙, 이은소 |
2014 | | Effects of Schisandra chinensis extract on the relaxation of isolated human prostate tissue and smooth muscle cell. | 추설호 |
2004 | | Glucose uptake-stimulatory activity of Amomi Semen in 3T3-L1 adipocytes. | 강엽 |
2020 | | HL301 in the treatment of acute bronchitis: a phase 2b, randomized, double-blind, placebocontrolled, multicenter study | 박주헌 |
2014 | | Immunomodulatory effects of high-protein diet with resveratrol supplementation on radiation-induced acute-phase inflammation in rats. | 전미선 |
2011 | | Korean red ginseng prevents gentamicin-induced hearing loss in rats. | 박기현, 정연훈 |
2000 | | Mechanism for antiplatelet effect of onion: AA release inhibition, thromboxane A(2)synthase inhibition and TXA(2)/PGH(2)receptor blockade. | 문창현, 백은주, 이수환, 정이숙 |
2016 | | Prospective, randomized, double-blinded, double-dummy and multicenter phase IV clinical study comparing the efficacy and safety of PG201 (Layla) and SKI306X in patients with osteoarthritis | 원예연 |
2019 | | Protective Effects of Serotonin and its Derivatives, N-Feruloylserotonin and N-(p-Coumaroyl) Serotonin, Against Cisplatin-Induced Renal Damage in Mice | 양시영 |
2014 | | Red ginseng delays age-related hearing and vestibular dysfunction in C57BL/6 mice. | 박헌이, 임혜진, 전춘걸, 정연훈 |
2011 | | Utilization patterns and cost of complementary and alternative medicine compared to conventional medicine in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus. | 김대중, 김혜진, 이관우, 전기홍, 한승진 |