Browsing by Keyword : Retrospective Studies

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Showing results 1 to 51 of 1353

Pub YearTitleAJOU Author(s)
2019(18)F-fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography is correlated with the pathological necrosis and decreased microvessel density in lung adenocarcinomas고영화, 이수진
20212021 Korean Thyroid Imaging Reporting and Data System and Imaging-Based Management of Thyroid Nodules: Korean Society of Thyroid Radiology Consensus Statement and Recommendations하은주
20203D photogrammetric analysis in hump nose correction based on nasal tip projection without dorsal augmentation in Asian rhinoplasty김민지
1996A 16-year experience with 1275 primary living donor kidney transplants: univariate and multivariate analysis of risk factors affecting graft survival.오창권
2020A 5-year Retrospective Analysis of Drug Survival, Safety, and Effectiveness of the Infliximab Biosimilar CT-P13 in Patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis and Ankylosing Spondylitis서창희
2024A Comparative Study of Endoscopic versus Percutaneous Epidural Neuroplasty in Lower Back Pain: Outcomes at Six-Month Follow Up김태광, 박범희, 최종범
2023A Deep Learning-Based Automatic Collateral Assessment in Patients with Acute Ischemic Stroke이진수, 홍지만
2015A focal marked hypoechogenicity within an isoechoic thyroid nodule: is it a focal malignancy or not?하은주
2022A Machine Learning Approach Using PET/CT-based Radiomics for Prediction of PD-L1 Expression in Non-small Cell Lung Cancer고영화, 이수진
2019A Machine-Learning Approach Using PET-Based Radiomics to Predict the Histological Subtypes of Lung Cancer고영화, 안미선, 이수진
2012A model for prediction of parametrial involvement and feasibility of less radical resection of parametrium in patients with FIGO stage IB1 cervical cancer유희석, 장석준
2022A Modified Anterior Column Realignment with Partial Anterior Longitudinal Ligament Release in Oblique Lateral Interbody Fusion이한동, 전창훈, 정남수, 정희웅
2024A Multi-label Artificial Intelligence Approach for Improving Breast Cancer Detection With Mammographic Image Analysis허재성
2015A multicenter analysis of adjuvant therapy after surgery for stage IIIC endometrial adenocarcinoma: A Korean Radiation Oncology Group study (KROG 13-17).전미선
2016A Multicenter Prospective Validation Study for the Korean Thyroid Imaging Reporting and Data System in Patients with Thyroid Nodules하은주
2011A multicenter study on extramammary Paget's disease in Korea.김유찬
2024A Multicenter Survey of Percutaneous Endoscopic Gastrostomy in 2019 at Korean Medical Institutions임선교
2021A New CT Parameter for Predicting Residual Hearing Preservation in Cochlear Implantation: The "Basal Turn-Facial Ridge Angle"김한태, 박헌이, 장정훈, 정연훈
2016A normalization method for combination of laboratory test results from different electronic healthcare databases in a distributed research network박래웅, 윤덕용
2018A Novel Auxiliary Device for Preventing Band Slippage After Laparoscopic Adjustable Gastric Banding: Infra-Band Fixation Using S-Loop손상용
2021A novel predictive model for late recurrence after catheter ablation for atrial fibrillation using left appendage volume measured by cardiac computed tomography이광노
2024A predictive model for lymph node metastasis using tumor location in presumed early-stage endometrioid endometrial cancer patients공태욱, 김지연, 손주혁, 이지민, 장석준
2016A prognostic index for natural killer cell lymphoma after non-anthracycline-based treatment: a multicentre, retrospective analysis정성현
2022A Real-World Study of Long-Term Safety and Efficacy of Lobeglitazone in Korean Patients with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus한승진
2023A Report on a Nationwide Surveillance System for Pediatric Acute Hepatitis of Unknown Etiology in Korea김유빈
2024A retrospective evaluation of individual thigh muscle volume disparities based on hip fracture types in followed-up patients: an AI-based segmentation approach using UNETR김정택
2020A Simple and Practical Scoring System for Radiosurgical Treatment in Patients with Brain Metastases김세혁, 노태훈, 박범희, 유남규
2019A Simple Scoring System Using the Red Blood Cell Distribution Width, Delta Neutrophil Index, and Platelet Count to Predict Mortality in Patients With Severe Sepsis and Septic Shock김은진
2014A TB antigen-stimulated CXCR3 ligand assay for the diagnosis of active pulmonary TB.박광주, 박주헌, 신승수, 이규성, 정우영, 정윤정
2012A venotomy and manual propulsion technique to treat native arteriovenous fistulas occluded by thrombi배재익, 오창권, 원제환
2020Abbreviated MRI with optional multiphasic CT as an alternative to full-sequence MRI: LI-RADS validation in a HCC-screening cohort김보현, 허지미
2020Absence of ATFL remnant does not affect the clinical outcomes of the modified brostrom operation for chronic ankle instability김태훈, 박성훈, 박영욱
2016Accessory Navicular Syndrome in Athlete vs General Population박영욱, 추호식
2013Accuracies of diagnostic methods for acute appendicitis.이종훈
2022Accuracy and influencing factors of the Field Triage Decision Scheme for adult trauma patients at a level-1 trauma center in Korea강병희, 정경원, 허요
2013Accuracy and predictive value of coronary computed tomography angiography for the detection of obstructive coronary heart disease in patients with an agatston calcium score above 400.강두경, 선주성, 윤명호
2018Accuracy of the lateral cage placement under intraoperative C-arm fluoroscopy in oblique lateral interbody fusion이한동, 전창훈, 정남수
2017Accurate assessment of alpha-gal syndrome using cetuximab and bovine thyroglobulin-specific IgE예영민
2014Acquired bilateral telangiectatic macules: a distinct clinical entity.강희영, 김유찬
2006Acute exacerbation of idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis: frequency and clinical features.박주헌
2012Acute oral poisoning due to chloracetanilide herbicides최상천
2021Added Value of CT Arterial Subtraction Images in Liver Imaging Reporting and Data System Treatment Response Categorization for Transcatheter Arterial Chemoembolization-Treated Hepatocellular Carcinoma권요한, 김재근, 김진우, 원제환, 이제희, 허지미
2018Addition of lactic acid levels improves the accuracy of quick sequential organ failure assessment in predicting mortality in surgical patients with complicated intra-abdominal infections: a retrospective study정윤태
2018Adjuvant concurrent chemoradiation therapy in patients with microscopic residual tumor after curative resection for extrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma김봉완, 노오규, 오영택, 전미선
2016Adjuvant Treatment after Surgery in Stage IIIA Endometrial Adenocarcinoma전미선
2021Admission Lactate and Base Deficit in Predicting Outcomes of Pediatric Trauma고유라, 김중헌, 이지숙, 정경원, 최유진, 허요
2012Aesthetic blepharoptosis correction with release of fibrous web bands between the levator aponeurosis and orbital fat김주형, 박명철, 이일재, 임효섭
2014Age matching improves graft survival after living donor kidney transplantation.김선일, 김세중, 김흥수, 신규태, 오창권, 이수형
2017Agreement of New Automated Matched Alternation Flicker using Undilated Fundus Photography for the Detection of Glaucomatous Structural Change안재홍
2022Albumin-to-Alkaline Phosphatase Ratio as a Novel Prognostic Factor in Patients Undergoing Nephrectomy for Non-Metastatic Renal Cell Carcinoma: Propensity Score Matching Analysis김선일, 김세중, 조대성
2021Alopecia areata is not a risk factor for heart diseases: A 10-year retrospective cohort study김유찬, 최지웅
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