2021 | | A 9-Year Comparison of Dementia Prevalence in Korea: Results of NaSDEK 2008 and 2017 | 손상준 |
2020 | | A proposal for the future of medical education accreditation in Korea | 임기영 |
2020 | | Assault-related Factors and Trauma-related Cognitions Associated with Post-traumatic Stress Symptoms in High-distress and Low-distress Korean Female Victims of Sexual Assault | 장형윤, 정영기 |
2023 | | Association Between Commuting Time and Subjective Well-Being in Relation to Regional Differences in Korea | 박재범, 이경종, 정인철, 정재혁, 조용혁 |
2015 | | Association of alcohol drinking with verbal and visuospatial memory impairment in older adults: Clinical Research Center for Dementia of South Korea (CREDOS) study. | 문소영, 손상준, 이순영, 이윤환, 홍창형 |
2015 | | Associations between the timing of childhood adversity and adulthood suicidal behavior: A nationally-representative cohort. | 장형윤 |
2015 | | Body Mass Index and Mortality Rate in Korean Patients with Alzheimer's Disease. | 문소영, 이윤환, 홍창형 |
2012 | | Characteristics of patients who visit the emergency department with self-inflicted injury | 배기수, 이정아, 임기영, 조준필, 최상천 |
2011 | | Clinical characteristics of a nationwide hospital-based registry of mild-to-moderate Alzheimer's disease patients in Korea: a CREDOS (Clinical Research Center for Dementia of South Korea) study. | 문소영, 홍창형 |
2016 | | Clinical Conversion or Reversion of Mild Cognitive Impairment in Community versus Hospital Based Studies: GDEMCIS (Gwangju Dementia and Mild Cognitive Impairment Study) and CREDOS (Clinical Research Center for Dementia of South Korea) | 강대용, 노재성, 손상준, 이윤환, 임기영, 정영기, 홍창형 |
2019 | | Cohort study on the effects of depression on atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease risk in Korea | 장형윤 |
2024 | | Combined Methylphenidate and Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors in Adults With Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder | 박래웅, 신윤미 |
2016 | | Decreased hemoglobin levels, cerebral small-vessel disease, and cortical atrophy: among cognitively normal elderly women and men | 홍창형 |
2015 | | Depression as a risk factor for overall and hormone-related cancer: the Korean cancer prevention study. | 장형윤 |
2014 | | Effects of a multidomain lifestyle modification on cognitive function in older adults: an eighteen-month community-based cluster randomized controlled trial. | 노재성, 손상준, 이윤환, 임기영, 정영기, 홍창형 |
2022 | | Effects of Frequent Smartphone Use on Sleep Problems in Children under 7 Years of Age in Korea: A 4-Year Longitudinal Study | 김성주, 신윤미 |
2010 | | Effects of head circumference and metabolic syndrome on cognitive decline. | 홍창형 |
2020 | | Effects of transcranial direct current stimulation using miniaturized devices vs sertraline for depression in Korea: A 6 week, multicenter, randomized, double blind, active-controlled study | 손상준 |
2024 | | Ethnic differences in the prevalence of amyloid positivity and cognitive trajectories | 노현웅, 손상준, 홍창형 |
2020 | | Factor Structure and Reliability of the Posttraumatic Cognitions Inventory in Korean Female Victims of Sexual Violence | 장형윤, 정영기 |
2014 | | Factor structure of the Internet Addiction Scale and its associations with psychiatric symptoms for Korean adolescents. | 신윤미, 조선미 |
2016 | | Factors related to prevalence, persistence, and incidence of depressive symptoms in mild cognitive impairment: vascular depression construct | 이윤환, 홍창형 |
2015 | | Frequency of contact with non-cohabitating adult children and risk of depression in elderly: a community-based three-year longitudinal study in Korea. | 김진희, 노재성, 손상준, 이윤환, 임기영, 장기중, 정영기, 홍창형 |
2024 | | From temperament to YouTube: exploring the link between childhood temperament, YouTube usage patterns, and emotional/behavioral problems among children | 김동희, 김효진, 신윤미, 이상하 |
2014 | | Gender differences in factors associated with perceived need and use of Korean adolescents mental health services. | 김남희, 노재성, 신윤미, 임기영, 정영기 |
2015 | | Gender differences in risk factors for transition from mild cognitive impairment to Alzheimer's disease: A CREDOS study. | 이윤환, 홍창형 |
2021 | | Gender differences in the effect of depression and cognitive impairment on risk of falls among community-dwelling older adults | 노현웅, 손상준, 이윤환, 홍창형 |
2021 | | Identifying novel genetic variants for brain amyloid deposition: a genome-wide association study in the Korean population | 손상준, 홍창형 |
2017 | | Influence of personality on depression, burden, and health-related quality of life in family caregivers of persons with dementia | 문소영, 이윤환, 홍창형 |
2020 | | Korean frailty and aging cohort study (KFACS): cohort profile | 김진희, 손상준, 이윤환 |
2015 | | Lower glomerular filtration rate associated with white matter hyperintensities more in vascular dementia than in Alzheimer's disease. | 손상준, 홍창형 |
2018 | | Maternal Depression and Children's Screen Overuse | 김성주, 신윤미, 장형윤 |
2019 | | Mediating effect of interpersonal coping on meaning in spirituality and quality of life and the influences of depression and anxiety thereon in cancer patients | 노재성, 신윤미 |
2019 | | Medical students' satisfaction with clinical clerkship and its relationship with professional self-concept | 김미란, 유지혜, 임기영, 장기홍 |
2019 | | Mindfulness-based cognitive therapy in Korean patients with systemic lupus erythematosus: A pilot study | 김현아, 서창희, 정주양, 조선미 |
2017 | | Mortality Risk after Diagnosis of Early-Onset Alzheimer's Disease versus Late-Onset Alzheimer's Disease: A Propensity Score Matching Analysis | 강대용, 노재성, 손상준, 이윤환, 임기영, 정영기, 홍창형 |
2016 | | MRI-defined versus clinically-defined vascular depression: comparison of prediction of functional disability in the elderly | 강대용, 노재성, 손상준, 이윤환, 임기영, 정영기, 홍창형 |
2012 | | Neurologic signs in relation to cognitive function in subcortical ischemic vascular dementia: a CREDOS (Clinical Research Center for Dementia of South Korea) study | 문소영, 홍창형 |
2020 | | Ordinary Responses to an Extraordinary Disaster: Sewol Ferry Sinking and the Victim Families' Experience | 조선미 |
2021 | | Parental Mental Health and Children’s Behaviors and Media Usage during COVID-19-Related School Closures | 김성주, 신윤미, 이상하, 정재오, 한효진 |
2013 | | Parental perceived benefits of OROS-methylphenidate treatment for the child with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder and for parents themselves. | 신윤미 |
2015 | | Participation in Physical, Social, and Religious Activity and Risk of Depression in the Elderly: A Community-Based Three-Year Longitudinal Study in Korea. | 강대용, 김진희, 노재성, 손상준, 이윤환, 임기영, 장기중, 정영기, 홍창형 |
2014 | | Perceived sleep quality is associated with depression in a Korean elderly population. | 노재성, 손상준, 이윤환, 임기영, 장기중, 정영기, 홍창형 |
2018 | | Prevalence and predictors of potentially inappropriate prescribing of central nervous system and psychotropic drugs among elderly patients: A national population study in Korea | 손상준 |
2019 | | Professional self-concept and burnout among medical school faculty in South Korea: a cross-sectional study | 김미란, 유지혜, 임기영, 장기홍 |
2022 | | Psychiatric disorders among children with acute lymphoblastic leukemia in South Korea: a nationwide population-based longitudinal study | 노오규, 신윤미, 허재성 |
2017 | | Psychometric evaluation of the Korean version of the Suicidal Ideation Scale in mentally ill patients living in the community | 이은현, 홍창형 |
2011 | | Relation between nutritional risk and metabolic syndrome in the elderly. | 김혜진, 이관우, 임기영, 홍창형 |
2012 | | Relationship between memory age identity (MAI) and cognition in Korean elders | 고상현, 이윤환, 임기영, 정영기, 홍창형 |
2020 | | Risk of Mortality in Elderly Coronavirus Disease 2019 Patients With Mental Health Disorders: A Nationwide Retrospective Study in South Korea | 노현웅, 박래웅, 박범희, 손상준, 홍창형 |
2019 | | Risk of suicide and accidental deaths among elderly patients with cognitive impairment | 손상준 |
2015 | | Severity of White Matter Hyperintensities and Length of Hospital Stay in Patients with Cognitive Impairment: A CREDOS (Clinical Research Center for Dementia of South Korea) Study. | 노재성, 손상준, 이윤환, 임기영, 장기중, 정영기, 홍창형 |
2024 | | Sex-specific risk factors and clinical dementia outcomes for white matter hyperintensities in a large South Korean cohort | 남유진, 노현웅, 문소영, 박범희, 손상준, 안영실, 정재연, 조용혁, 최진욱, 한승진, 홍선화, 홍창형 |
2017 | | Social relationship changes in victim families due to a social disaster: Experiences of student victims' families in the South Korean Sewol ferry disaster | 조선미 |
2013 | | Suicide among the elderly and associated factors in South Korea. | 신경민, 신윤미, 임기영, 조선미, 홍창형 |
2024 | | The changing dynamics of work from home and its association with sleep disturbance through work-family conflict during the COVID-19 pandemic | 박재범, 정인철, 정재혁, 조용혁 |
2012 | | The effect of anemia and white matter hyperintensities (WMH) on cognitive impairment in patients with amnestic mild cognitive impairment (MCI) | 홍창형 |
2014 | | The influence of unsupervised time on elementary school children at high risk for inattention and problem behaviors. | 신윤미 |
2018 | | The moderating effect of religiosity on caregiving burden and depressive symptoms in caregivers of patients with dementia | 문소영, 이윤환, 홍창형 |
2012 | | The pathway of internalizing and externalizing problems from childhood to adolescence: a prospective study from age 7 to 14-16 in Korea | 신윤미, 임기영, 조선미 |