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Showing results 1 to 51 of 109

Pub YearTitleAJOU Author(s)
20011,2-bis(2-Aminophenoxy)ethane-N,N,N',N'-tetraacetic acid induces caspase-mediated apoptosis and reactive oxygen species-mediated necrosis in cultured cortical neurons.곽병주, 손성향
20015-Hydroxytryptamine attenuates free radical injury in primary mouse cortical cultures.강지윤, 곽병주, 노재성, 정영기
2005Activation of protein kinase C-delta attenuates kainate-induced cell death of cortical neurons.김승업, 문창현, 백은주, 이수환, 정이숙
2020Apoptotic cell-derived exosomes: messages from dying cellsKAKARLA, RAMESH, 최용준
2014Astrogliosis is a possible player in preventing delayed neuronal death.조은혜, 주일로
2002ATP-induced in vivo neurotoxicity in the rat striatum via P2 receptors.김승업, 이용범, 진병관
1995BDNF or IGF-I potentiates free radical-mediated injury in cortical cell cultures.곽병주
2011Blood-derived iron mediates free radical production and neuronal death in the hippocampal CA1 area following transient forebrain ischemia in rat곽병주
2002Brain-derived neurotrophic factor can act as a pronecrotic factor through transcriptional and translational activation of NADPH oxidase.곽병주, 김선희, 손성향, 원석준
2014Caspase-dependent cell death-associated release of nucleosome and damage-associated molecular patterns.김경민, 박선, 신호준, 윤사라, 최용준, 한재호
2023CD38 Inhibition Protects Fructose-Induced Toxicity in Primary Hepatocytes강엽, 최성이
1999Cdc2 and Cdk2 kinase activated by transforming growth factor-beta1 trigger apoptosis through the phosphorylation of retinoblastoma protein in FaO hepatoma cells.강엽, 윤지원, 최경숙
1998Cellular and molecular mechanisms for the initiation and progression of beta cell destruction resulting from the collaboration between macrophages and T cells.윤지원
2017Characteristics of Exosomes released from caspasedependent cell deaths김정미, 최용준
1999Characterization of MPP(+)-induced cell death in a dopaminergic neuronal cell line: role of macromolecule synthesis, cytosolic calcium, caspase, and Bcl-2-related proteins.곽병주, 손성향
2000Chemotherapeutic drug, adriamycin, restores the function of p53 protein in hepatitis B virus X (HBx) protein-expressing liver cells.박선, 이재호, 조혜성
2001Cleavage of Bax is mediated by caspase-dependent or -independent calpain activation in dopaminergic neuronal cells: protective role of Bcl-2.김승업, 진병관
2001Complestatin is a noncompetitive peptide antagonist of N-methyl-D-aspartate and alpha-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazolepropionic acid/kainate receptors: secure blockade of ischemic neuronal death.곽병주
2016Connexin 43 Acts as a Proapoptotic Modulator in Cisplatin-Induced Auditory Cell Death김연주, 정연훈, 추옥성
1999Cyclooxygenase-2 selective inhibitors aggravate kainic acid induced seizure and neuronal cell death in the hippocampus.김은주, 문창현, 백은주, 이수환
1996Cyclosporine induces neuronal apoptosis and selective oligodendrocyte death in cortical cultures.곽병주
2002Cystatin C induces neuronal cell death in vivo.김승업
2005Cytopathic changes and pro-inflammatory cytokines induced by Naegleria fowleri trophozoites in rat microglial cells and protective effects of an anti-Nfa1 antibody김경민, 박선, 손성향, 송경주, 신호준, 정석률
2005Dehydroascorbic acid prevents oxidative cell death through a glutathione pathway in primary astrocytes.백은주
2011Deletion of SNAP-23 results in pre-implantation embryonic lethality in mice서영호
2021DIM-C-pPhtBu induces lysosomal dysfunction and unfolded protein response - mediated cell death via excessive mitophagy강성운, 김철호
2021Effect of glutaraldehyde-crosslinked cartilage acellular matrix film on anti-adhesion and nerve regeneration in a rat sciatic nerve injury model민병현, 박인수
2002Effects of peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor agonists on LPS-induced neuronal death in mixed cortical neurons: associated with iNOS and COX-2.문창현, 백은주, 이수환
2005Effects of sabiporide, a specific Na+/H+ exchanger inhibitor, on neuronal cell death and brain ischemia.김승업, 문창현, 백은주, 이수환, 정이숙
2017Excretory and Secretory Proteins of Naegleria fowleri Induce Inflammatory Responses in BV-2 Microglial Cells손혜진, 신호준
2012Functional roles of mannose-binding protein in the adhesion, cytotoxicity and phagocytosis of Acanthamoeba castellanii김종현, 신호준
2019Gambogic acid triggers vacuolization-associated cell death in cancer cells via disruption of thiol proteostasis김인영, 최경숙
2021Gap junction-mediated intercellular communication of cAMP prevents CDDP-induced ototoxicity via cAMP/PKA/CREB pathway김연주, 김한태, 장정훈, 정연훈
2017Glutamate dehydrogenase as a neuroprotective target against brain ischemia and reperfusion강엽, 백은주, 이수환, 이재호
2001GT1b ganglioside induces death of dopaminergic neurons in rat mesencephalic cultures.김승업, 이용범, 조경기, 조은혜, 진병관
2020Hesperetin inhibit EMT in TGF-beta treated podocyte by regulation of mTOR pathway모정순
2003High-glucose induced protective effect against hypoxic injury is associated with maintenance of mitochondrial membrane potential.문창현, 백은주, 이수환, 정이숙
2004Human neural stem cell transplantation reduces spontaneous recurrent seizures following pilocarpine-induced status epilepticus in adult rats.김승업
2013Implications of time-series gene expression profiles of replicative senescence.김유선, 변해옥, 우현구, 윤계순
2014Inhibition of p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase ameliorates radiation-induced ototoxicity in zebrafish and cochlea-derived cell lines.강성운, 김철호, 신유섭, 오영택, 장재원
2002Interleukin-13 and -4 induce death of activated microglia.박은정, 손성향, 조은혜, 주일로, 진병관, 최경숙
2006Interleukin-13 enhances cyclooxygenase-2 expression in activated rat brain microglia: implications for death of activated microglia.김승업, 양명순, 조은혜, 주일로, 진병관
2007Involvement of Ca2+-mediated apoptotic signals in palmitate-induced MIN6N8a beta cell death.강엽, 이관우, 최성이
2015Involvement of iron depletion in palmitate-induced lipotoxicity of beta cells.강엽, 김대중, 김혜진, 이관우, 최성이, 한승진
2019Involvement of p38 Activation and Mitochondria in Death of Human Leukemia Cells Induced by an Agonistic Human Monoclonal Antibody Fab Specific to TRAIL Receptor 1장영주
2001Ionizing radiation can overcome resistance to TRAIL in TRAIL-resistant cancer cells.장영주
2003Isoform-specific induction of PKC-epsilon by high glucose protects heart-derived H9c2 cells against hypoxic injury.문창현, 백은주, 이수환, 정의명, 정이숙
2022ISRIB plus bortezomib triggers paraptosis in breast cancer cells via enhanced translation and subsequent proteotoxic stress최경숙
2005KR-32570, a novel Na+/H+ exchanger-1 inhibitor, attenuates hypoxia-induced cell death through inhibition of intracellular Ca2+ overload and mitochondrial death pathway in H9c2 cells.문창현, 백은주, 이수환, 정이숙
2024LDHB-deficient brain exhibits resistance to ischemic neuronal cell death due to increased vasodilation박찬배, 이진수
2019Loperamide overcomes the resistance of colon cancer cells to bortezomib by inducing CHOP-mediated paraptosis-like cell death최경숙, 최용원
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