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정, 민환 Not currently indexed
[Research Organization] - [Institute for Medical Sciences]

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Showing results 1 to 50 of 63

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Pub YearTitleAJOU Author(s)
2012Hippocampal neural correlates for values of experienced events정민환
2012Disruption of dentate gyrus blocks effect of visual input on spatial firing of CA1 neurons정민환
2012Neural basis of reinforcement learning and decision making정민환
2011Stimulus-induced reduction of noise correlation in rat prefrontal cortex.정민환
2011Role of rodent secondary motor cortex in value-based action selection.정민환
2011Human serum transthyretin levels correlate inversely with Alzheimer's disease.정민환
2010Scopolamine-induced learning impairment reversed by physostigmine in zebrafish.정민환
2010Distinct roles of rodent orbitofrontal and medial prefrontal cortex in decision making.정민환
2010Auditory Cortex is Important in the Extinction of Two Different Tone-Based Conditioned Fear Memories in Rats.정민환
2009Role of striatum in updating values of chosen actions.정민환
2009LTD induction suppresses LTP-induced hippocampal adult neurogenesis.정민환
2009Impaired avoidance learning and increased hsp70 mRNA expression in pentylenetetrazol-treated zebrafish.정민환
2009Role of dentate gyrus in aligning internal spatial map to external landmark.정민환
2009Model-based reinforcement learning under concurrent schedules of reinforcement in rodents.정민환, 허남정
2008Plasticity and memory in the prefrontal cortex.정민환
2008Information transmission by stimulus-dependent modulation of noise correlation.정민환, 허남정
2008Prefrontal cortex and hippocampus subserve different components of working memory in rats.정민환
2007Effects of methamphetamine on single unit activity in rat medial prefrontal cortex in vivo정민환, 정영기
2007Encoding of action history in the rat ventral striatum.정민환, 허남정
2007Stress-induced alterations in hippocampal plasticity, place cells, and spatial memory.정민환
2007LTP induction modifies functional relationship among hippocampal neurons.정민환
2007Learning-induced enduring changes in functional connectivity among prefrontal cortical neurons.정민환
2007DNA damage-inducing agent-elicited gamma-secretase activity is dependent on Bax/Bcl-2 pathway but not on caspase cascades.정민환
2006Involvement of calcium-mediated apoptotic signals in H2O2-induced MIN6N8a cell death.강엽, 정민환, 최성이
2006Enhanced proliferation of progenitor cells following long-term potentiation induction in the rat dentate gyrus.정민환
2006A computer vision-based automated Figure-8 maze for working memory test in rodents.정민환
2006Neural circuits and mechanisms involved in Pavlovian fear conditioning: a critical review.정민환
2006ERK1/2 is an endogenous negative regulator of the gamma-secretase activity.백은주, 정민환
2005Role of active movement in place-specific firing of hippocampal neurons.정민환
2005Lithium attenuates stress-induced impairment of long-term potentiation induction.노재성, 임기영, 정민환, 정영기
2004Long-term synaptic plasticity in deep layer-originated associational projections to superficial layers of rat entorhinal cortex.정민환
2004Amyloid beta peptide directly inhibits PKC activation.김승업, 정민환
2003Lovastatin enhances Abeta production and senile plaque deposition in female Tg2576 mice.김승업, 묵인희, 박인호, 방오영, 정민환, 홍현석
2003Dynamics of population code for working memory in the prefrontal cortex.묵인희, 정민환, 허균
2003Long-term potentiation in visual cortical projections to the medial prefrontal cortex of the rat.묵인희, 정민환
2003Neuronal interactions are higher in the cortex than thalamus in the somatosensory pathway.정민환
2002Amyloid precursor protein processing is separately regulated by protein kinase C and tyrosine kinase in human astrocytes.김승업, 묵인희, 정민환, 주인수
2002Augmentation by zinc of NMDA receptor-mediated synaptic responses in CA1 of rat hippocampal slices: mediation by Src family tyrosine kinases.정민환
2002Induction of homosynaptic long-term depression in entorhinal cortex.강엽, 묵인희, 정민환
2002Neuroprotective effects of constituents of the oriental crude drugs, Rhodiola sacra, R. sachalinensis and Tokaku-joki-to, against beta-amyloid toxicity, oxidative stress and apoptosis.묵인희, 정민환
2002Variation in effective stimulus patterns for induction of long-term potentiation across different layers of rat entorhinal cortex.묵인희, 정민환
2001Enzymes for Beta Amyloid Generation and Their Therapeutic Applications for Alzheimer's Disease묵인희, 정민환
2001Zinc enhances synthesis of presenilin 1 in mouse primary cortical culture.묵인희, 박인호, 정민환
2001Neuroprotective effects of estrogen against beta-amyloid toxicity are mediated by estrogen receptors in cultured neuronal cells.김승업, 묵인희, 방오영, 정민환, 허균
2001Blockade of PKC epsilon activation attenuates phorbol ester-induced increase of alpha-secretase-derived secreted form of amyloid precursor protein.김승업, 묵인희, 정민환, 하만준, 허균
2001Cholinergic modulation of synaptic physiology in deep layer entorhinal cortex of the rat.묵인희, 정민환, 주인수, 허균
2001Lipopolysaccharide inhibits induction of long-term potentiation and depression in the rat hippocampal CA1 area.정민환
2001Fast spiking and regular spiking neural correlates of fear conditioning in the medial prefrontal cortex of the rat.묵인희, 정민환
2001Ginsenoside Rb1 and Rg1 improve spatial learning and increase hippocampal synaptophysin level in mice.묵인희, 정민환, 주인수, 허균
2001Haloperidol and clozapine increase neural activity in the rat prefrontal cortex.김승업, 묵인희, 정민환, 정영기
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